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    Mice With Reduced Caloric Intake Accumulate Longer Telomeres, Reduce Their Incidence

    One of the indicators of a cell's health is the state of its DNA and containers - the chromosomes - so when these fuse together or suffer anomalies, they can become the source of illnesses like cancer and/or ageing processes... More...
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    Bladder Cancer Mortality Increased By Depression And Shortened Telomeres

    The combination of shortened telomeres, a biological marker of aging associated with cancer development, and elevated depression significantly impacted bladder cancer mortality, according to data presented at the 11th Annual AACR International Conference on Frontiers in Cancer Prevention...
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    Telomeres and Longevity

    The first study that looks at telomere length in a large sample of animals from birth to death is out. Check it out. Read the comments on this post...
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    Understanding Telomeres May Have Potential For Some Cancer Therapies

    The American Journal of Pathology published the first report of the presence of alternative lengthening of telomeres (ALT) that can be used as a diagnostic indicator and could be significant for developing anti-cancer therapies for cancers in the bladder, cervix, endometrium, esophagus...