
  1. B

    why is roger goodell the worst comissioner in teh universe?

    hes not human
  2. M

    why is roger goodell the worst comissioner in teh universe?

    matt vick and the eagles shouldnt have to put up with such stupidity
  3. D

    What's going on with teh facebook chat?

    After the person sends me their first message I can't get anything else in the chat window to appear
  4. D

    What's going on with teh facebook chat?

    After the person sends me their first message I can't get anything else in the chat window to appear
  5. T

    teh random quiz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

    YOUR REACTIONS 1) SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM! 2) being given $1,000 from some random person out of nowhere 3) this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L5XOSRKrhbQ 4) a hobo gives you a quarter (lolz) 5) a car almost hits you 6) you get rick rolled on the internet 7) peanut...
  6. A

    Dos anyone know where i can get SWTOR DC comics in teh UK?

    Here is a link so you can see what they are : http://www.tfaw.com/Search/_results_title_search=The%2BOld%2BRepublic/_results_ordercombo_search=date_desc/gallery_mode=grid?gclid=CO-Yz66_46ICFYKX2Aodw3XjYw I havent been able to find a UK supplier, anyone know of one?
  7. G

    It may turn out that Teh Physics is polytheistic

    I dislike the term "god particle" but I could not resist the play on words ... as researchers at Fermilab suggest that there may be five different versions of the Higgs boson, not just one. This would require, apparently, some rewriting of the Standard Model. Read the rest of this post... |...
  8. G

    Teh Gay Ruins Mississippi Prom

    A lesbian student wanted to wear a tuxedo and accompany her girlfriend to the prom in a Northern Mississippi school district. Chaos ensued. It turns out that Itawamba County school district has an explicit policy requiring that senior prom dates be of the opposite sex. (This is the same...
  9. G

    Teh Gay Ruins Mississippi Prom

    A lesbian student wanted to wear a tuxedo and accompany her girlfriend to the prom in a Northern Mississippi school district. Chaos ensued. It turns out that Itawamba County school district has an explicit policy requiring that senior prom dates be of the opposite sex. (This is the same...
  10. A

    Oh hai. In teh beginnin Ceiling Cat maded teh skiez An da Urfs?

    But he did not eated dem? Blessinz of teh Ceiling Cat be apwn yu, srsly.
  11. G

    Teh Skie is Falling Teh Skie is Falling11!!11

    Here in Minnesota, we don't get much snow. Minnesotans THINK they get lots of snow, because Minnesota is thought of as a wintry state. But the snowfall here is moderate, not great, in a typical year. If Minnesota were snowy, and Minnesotans could handle that, it would be hard to explain the 400...
  12. G

    Teh Skie is Falling Teh Skie is Falling11!!11

    Here in Minnesota, we don't get much snow. Minnesotans THINK they get lots of snow, because Minnesota is thought of as a wintry state. But the snowfall here is moderate, not great, in a typical year. If Minnesota were snowy, and Minnesotans could handle that, it would be hard to explain the 400...
  13. G

    Teh Skie is Falling Teh Skie is Falling11!!11

    Here in Minnesota, we don't get much snow. Minnesotans THINK they get lots of snow, because Minnesota is thought of as a wintry state. But the snowfall here is moderate, not great, in a typical year. If Minnesota were snowy, and Minnesotans could handle that, it would be hard to explain the 400...
  14. G

    Cure Teh Gay meets Teh Gay Part II

    Rachel Maddow pursues the Uganda Kill The Gays problem in a series of startling bits of reporting. Holy crap, people. (Note that AGW denier link, BTW!) Read the rest of this post... | Read the comments on this post... More...
  15. G

    Cure Teh Gay meets Teh Gay

    OMG if you are going to watch 17 minutes and 56 seconds of television for the rest of your life, make it this 17 minutes and 56 seconds!!! Seriously: Read the rest of this post... | Read the comments on this post... More...
  16. G

    Science Bloggers on Teh Stoopid

    Hey, it turns out Zicam works! Oh, no, wait, it just causes you to lose your sense of smell. Maybe. --> New Zicam study shows possible mechanism for anosmia YA Virgin Mary Sighting --> O Most Holy Pancake! Is that a banana in your pocket, or are you just some kind of freakin' moron...
  17. L

    what is the most recent death count for teh victorian bushfire victims?

    also what is teh deathtoll for marysville
  18. D

    Can you put phone charms on teh Sony Ericsson W890i?

    Im planning on getting it and I wanted to know!
  19. J

    Who was teh wreslter that made fun of John cena. He came out wearing a huge...

    ...clock and rapped about cena. This? He only lasted a little bit. He wore a hawian shirt i think
  20. T

    New Friday Teh 13th *only fans of the very first or seen the very first friday

    i'm going to see it cause jason is my boy!!!!!!!!!