
  1. G

    The Voice Goes Live: Christina Aguilera's Teasing Makes Adam Levine "S--t Himself"

    The Voice Goes Live: Christina Aguilera's Teasing Makes Adam Levine "S--t Himself" Tuesday marked the first night of live competition on The Voice, and boy was it live! While praising her mighty talented team member Beverly McClellan, Christina Aguilera joked that the...
  2. A

    Teasing Hair (Emo Style) Problems?

    First off let me tell you my hair is really thin and only had a little bit of layers. (i plan to get more layers) Ok, i have seen a few videos and step guides on how to tease your hair. I tried what they did. I thought it looked good but it wasnt exactly emo :(. But at school people kept asking...
  3. Z

    Is teasing christians like making fun of the mentally handicapped?

    Sort of teasing the 'special' kids.
  4. F

    What do to when someone who keeps teasing me on how I want to be an FBI?

    The only reason they keep making fun of me is because I am a skinny person. In their mind, skinny people don't belong in the FBI. Though, I'm in my 2nd year in college, I still have many years to gain more weight. So what good argument is there. I want to say "it doesn't matter what you weigh...
  5. L

    How does the nurse react to Mercutio's joking and teasing?

    In Romeo and Juliet act 2 scene 4. Thanks:)
  6. J

    How to deal with people teasing me about me being gay despite i'm not?

    People including friends often tease with me about being gay, i try to act that it doesn't affect me, but in fact i get really upset and sad.please teach me a good way to deal with this thank you.from germany PS:I absolutely love WOMEN. i'm 18, and i'm 100% sure i'm not GAY, despite i have...
  7. M

    I love teasing my hair in the so called "scene" style, but everytime I do, it

    I love teasing my hair in the so called "scene" style, but everytime I do, it goes flat. help? So I tease my hair whenever i feel like it, but i noticed that when I do, it goes 'defaltes' fast. not completely but, it deflates a lot. I get really mad cuz i work hard on my hair. So I need...
  8. C

    Is joking, teasing, and insulting others ignorant & subjective?

    When i listen to people i dont know whether to comprhend it as a nihil or absurd. I end up feeling pain and hurt when they try to denounce my existence...so im not complete stupid. But sometimes i just cant handle it when i am alone all my life and have nothing else to think about. Can someone help?
  9. K

    Is my mom a lesbian or is she just teasing?

    When I was little I would always played with my mom and sometimes we would be naked and go swimming, wrestle, etc.. I'm 11 now, and my mom tackled me on my bed (naked!!!!) after I had got out the shower, and we were wrestling. I feel kinda nervous (not uncomfortable or anything), because she...
  10. M

    i screwed up i told my gf i hate her in a joke way teasing her.... and now she...

    ...wont talk :(? btw she aint a whore or a drama seeker she nice n normal i love her but she likes dont talk to me, im worried i might lose her isaid i was sorri but i dont no how to get on her good side now :( plz help wat can i do i ddi say sorri n im not getting her back im not a jerk grr...
  11. W

    she won't have sex with me, just teasing me!?

    hi everyone... i dont know how to make the story short enough to describle this so ima make it fast as i can but short... This girl i know, is one of those girls i like which is very virgin type cute looking skinny but nice figured girls. Shes very girlish and would tell me things like, you...
  12. R

    Why my mother is always teasing me?

    My mom brought four friends to stay with us for few days.Yesterday when my mother was teaching exercises to them I sneaked behind my mom to fright her.When I tyried to grab her from back all of a sudden she backswings her legs as a part of one step in exercise.She got me squerly in my balls.I...
  13. A

    Class gossiping/ teasing trouble?

    My friend keeps on gossiping me and the other friends and makes the class a trouble(e.g.you love her ya..uhhh,etc.).what do you think I should do? P.S. He's not easy to be told
  14. K

    what if my family is talking behind my back and teasing me ext. because

    i'm different from all of them? i don't have the family talent that my mom and my sisters and brothers have but i got my own thing i good at so i get ignored and teased and i found out later they were talking behind my back i was fake sleeping in the living room and found out what should i do?
  15. G

    Brain teasing puzzle from a pack of cards?

    the white of an egg clever..... I had to think about it for a sec. I was like YOLK! wait...that doesnt sound right. hahahahahah.