
  1. L

    Please provide tagline ideas for a tour company by the name of Monarch?

    *Monarch as in the monarch butterfly.
  2. M

    B&A: What Is The Basic Tagline Of Your Story?

    When you send a query letter, it usually starts with a "tagline" of your story that is exactly one sentence long before you write the paragraph long blurb. What is your basic tag line? Remember, only one sentence! (Note: For those of you afraid to give your story away, a tag line is just a...
  3. C

    Is this a good tagline? 1920s cruise-themed gala?

    I have an assignment to create a tagline for a 1920s cruise-themed gala (which raises money for student bursaries and scholarships). This is the tagline I came up with: "go overboard for a good cause." Do you think this tagline is too over-the-top? Any thoughts?
  4. C

    Tagline to write on my bike?

    I need to write a tagline on my bike.. hmm.. can anyone suggest a good one..
  5. R

    who LOL'ed at the tagline brad pitt is a basterd? XD?

    for those who dont know what im talking about, google it no flammers please, if you like ( or love DX ) brad pitt please say so without criticising. im just curious what you think about this :)
  6. H

    Why is that the tagline of LG is Life's Good?

    ...Please tell me the reasons!!!please!
  7. H

    Why is that the tagline of LG is Life's Good?

    ...Please tell me the reasons!!!please!
  8. J

    What is Volvo's tagline or slogan ?

    their motto or slogan
  9. L

    I need help with a tagline for my celebrity gossip blog: celeb-invasion?

    I'm trying to come up with a great tag line for my celebrity gossip blog but I'm having trouble coming up with something. I do have a few ideas but I was just wondering if anyone out there can come up with something interesting. My site's name is celeb-invasion. I write about celebrity gossip &...
  10. L

    I need help with a tagline for my celebrity gossip blog: celeb-invasion?

    I'm trying to come up with a great tag line for my celebrity gossip blog but I'm having trouble coming up with something. I do have a few ideas but I was just wondering if anyone out there can come up with something interesting. My site's name is celeb-invasion. I write about celebrity gossip &...
  11. R

    Who wrote the tagline for the film Alien, 'In space no one can hear you scream'?

    I've been researching the movie poster as part of a project for uni, and during my searches in books and online I've come across contradicting evidence, either it was the designer Philip Gips wife Barbra Gips, or a man named Steve Frankfurt who wrote many other taglines