
  1. J

    whites are better swimmer,better at taking tests,better at ufc fighters...

    ...what do u think? we are better at science math war everything
  2. A

    Rude Australian Paper Fat-Shames Olympic Swimmer, Leisel Jones

    Even female Olympic athletes can get away from body-snarking, fat-shaming jerks. The not-so-fine folks at the Herald Sun in*Melbourne have suggested that four-time Olympic swimmer Leisel Jones*(who is from their own country, no less) is fat and not fit enough to swim in the London Games. It's a...
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    Ryan Lochte spotted ?cozying up? to Australian swimmer Blair Evans

    Ryan Lochte had a goal for the 2012 Olympics: He vowed not to make the same mistake in London that he did in Beijing. Now, you're probably thinking: "What mistake could a guy who won three gold medals have possibly made." Lochte explains: My last Olympics, I had a girlfriend - big mistake...
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    Missy Franklin?s Mom is the reason she?s a swimmer, and America?s great hope

    Missy Franklin has plenty on her plate. She's a high school junior, worrying about the daily concerns of a teenager, things like prom dresses and finals. She's also possibly the greatest American hope for glory in the London Olympic pools less than three months from now, assuming she reaches the...
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    Swimmer tears bathing suit before start, still beats Michael Phelps

    A split bathing suit couldn't hold back Nathan Adrian at the Indianapolis Grand Prix.*The 2008 relay gold medalist overcame a tear in his bathing suit to win the 100-meter freestyle over a stacked field that included Olympic legend Michael Phelps. While crouching on the block before the start...
  6. J

    What's the commercial with a swimmer and a fan girl?

    It was on a while ago, it had this one swimmer guy (who was competing/training?) and it showed him on the tv at some girl's house who got all excited when they talked/commented on his performance. She ran up and kissed/touched a poster of him on his wall, and I can't remember the rest
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    Swimmer with autism makes strides for self and team

    It's an often used platitude that it's how a team plays the game, not that game's result, that is most important. For one Orlando-area swimmer, it's not even how he plays the game that's important. Rather, it's how he's part of a team. As reported by the Orlando Sentinel, Ian Soules was...
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    Is there such thing as a boat-based rescue swimmer in the Coast Guard?

    I want to be a boatswains mate in the US Coast Guard. Going to boot camp soon. But i also want to be a rescue swimmer. I want to save lives. I once read that there are rescue swimmers that are on boats? And they are called boat-based rescue swimmers. Is this real? If so, can the boatswains mate...
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    I have swimmer's ear but i am on vacation and can't reach a doctor.?

    I am from Jersey and i'm in North Carolina and can't get to a doctor. All i have is Amoxicillin and tylenol. Will Amoxicillen help my swimmer's ear? Will tylenol ease the pain? is there anything else i can do to get rid of the infection. I need help FAST. I am goin on a date in a few days and...
  10. S

    does anyone know the name of a movie that a woman stalks a male swimmer

    and makes his life hell? and makes him test positive for drugs before a big swim >>??its a real good movie just cant find
  11. C

    Sister a future Olympic swimmer?

    Hi! I just had a quick question for anyone who knows about the freakish proportions of Michael Phelps...My older sister is 19 and has always been the athlete of the family. She was an awesome volleyball player and had now taken up swimming in college. She has always been self conceise of her...
  12. C

    girl swimmer nutrition?

    I have a meet later today and it is extremely important because I am trying to qualify for a state meet. I am 16 and I just want to know what I should eat before/during the meet for optimum performance. I am also a vegetarian and quite a health freak. Any answers would be appreciated!! thankss!!