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    12 Healthy Ways To Eat Bacon (That Don’t Involve A Burger King Sundae)

    The Bacon Sundae*was officially added to all Burger King menus yesterday, and needless to say, we think the 510-calorie, 18-grams-of-fat-packing dessert is pretty much a nutritional disaster. But we get it: People love bacon. Some of us here at Blisstree even like bacon (actually, I might be the...
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    Nashville Burger King’s Bacon Sundae Is Royally Repulsive

    Fast food restaurants appear to be in an arms race against your heath. First, there was the bacon milkshake. Then, "First Meal." And just this week, there was the NSFW-looking hot dog stuffed pizza crust. But today, it seems, the race is over, because Burger King*has finally reached the apex of...