
  1. C

    LGBT Disney's abc movie "Cyberbully" had a gay character and lesbian "subtext"?

    LGBT Disney's abc movie "Cyberbully" had a gay character and lesbian "subtext"? Do you think this is somewhat of a very slight progress for the LGBT community. I mean, it's from a Disney company so frankly I'm impressed. The story wasn't exactly about being gay or anything, it was more about...
  2. W

    Is karate kid 2010 a movie with an anti-asian male subtext?

    why in karate kid 2010 hollywood is again making an asian girl the love interest of an non-asian american guy and the villain(s) are asian males?
  3. W

    Is karate kid 2010 a movie with an anti-asian male subtext?

    why in karate kid 2010 hollywood is again making an asian girl the love interest of an non-asian american guy and the villain(s) are asian males?
  4. W

    Is karate kid 2010 a movie with an anti-asian male subtext?

    why in karate kid 2010 hollywood is again making an asian girl the love interest of an non-asian american guy and the villain(s) are asian males?
  5. L

    Does this pick-up line have political subtext?

    "Hey baby, wanna come back to my place and play war games? I'll lie down, and you can blow the sh*t out of me" I always thought this was a comment on the imbalance of powers in modern warfare (e.g. impoverished Arab nations lie down, and the Invader [US/NATO/Europe/pick one] indiscriminately...