
  1. J

    Submitting a manuscript to Shonen Jump?

    Me and a friend are planning to submit a One Shot to shonen jump for one of their monthly contests, but we weren't sure if it should be translated first. Does it need to be translated? If so, where could we find a decent english to japanese translator? The scantalators online must find...
  2. Y

    Anyone know a good site for submitting stories?

    I came across one before where you could submit stories you had written and people would review them for you but i can remember what it was. Does anyone know any good sites for that kind of thing?
  3. J

    Would it be smarter to get a degree at embry riddle before submitting my wocs packet?

    I'm in the army reserves right now, I want to become a helicopter pilot as a wo, but before starting that process of submitting my packet, I'm thinkin about enrolling in to embry riddle au,getting an associates in professional aeronautics and THEN putting together my packet. Would that be a more...
  4. L

    Are you interested in submitting to this magazine?

    Dear Poets, I'm starting a new poetry magazine online and I wanted to get a feel for who might be interested in submitting their poetry. The web address is . This page is just a rough of how the web page will look in a month when the first issue is...