
  1. C

    What are the statistically significant global temperature trends?

    I'll use the handy trend calculator from com so feel free to accuse me of using a realist's data set. Here are some trends: 1. RSS 1979-1998 (20 years) - Trend: 0.082 ±0.155 °C/decade (2?) ?=0.0082429 ?w=0.0018810 ?=17.050...
  2. M

    Statistically, how many people are affected by Tennis Elbow?

    This is for a research paper, so I most likely need to cite the statistic, but I'll take anything at this point. I can't seem to find a number anywhere else. It can be nation-wide, or anything! Help!
  3. A

    Statistically speaking: 3 stars, 3 amazing games, 3 states

    You thought Cam Newton had a good game in the Panthers' opening week loss? He did, yet those stats pale in comparison to the ones put up by a trio high school athletes in September. First, Hackett (Ark.) running back Dillon Yazel opened his season with a 7 touchdown performance that included...
  4. S

    How do Liberals explain that TEA partiers are NOT statistically more racist...

    ...than the general population? A study was done comparing people who agree with the TEA party to the control group (gen. pop.) When you look only at the Blacks & Latinos graph, they do indeed appear racist...
  5. T

    Cytori Reports Stem & Regenerative Cells From Body Fat Produce Statistically Signific

    Cytori Reports Stem & Regenerative Cells From Body Fat Produce Statistically Signific The first clinical trial of adipose (fat) tissue-derived stem and regenerative cells (ADRCs) for the treatment of no-option chronic heart disease patients showed the following: the procedure was safe and...
  6. J

    Statistically are boys molested at a young age(3-6yrs old)more likely to be... as an adult? Once he was removed from the situation he (the child) then molested my daughter for over 2 years. We did not know about his history until after discovering what he was doing to her. His counselor assures me that he will eventually be a well adjusted child...
  7. J

    Statistically are boys molested at a young age(3-6yrs old)more likely to be... as an adult? Once he was removed from the situation he (the child) then molested my daughter for over 2 years. We did not know about his history until after discovering what he was doing to her. His counselor assures me that he will eventually be a well adjusted child...
  8. A

    What is statistically the least liked team?
