
  1. A

    Pregorexia: Thanks To Hollywood, Now Pregnant Women Are Starving Themselves Too

    Thanks to celebrities, the media and even some ill-informed doctors (who diss people like Jessica Simpson for gaining too much weight), there's a new eating disorder on the rise called "pregorexia"--this time it's pregnant women who are starving themselves. More »Post from: Blisstree |...
  2. A

    Am i starving myself? HELP!?

    All i eat is apples with this salsa that has like 2 calories i just want to be skinny but i don't want to loose all the weight just to gain it again someone tell me what do!?!?!?
  3. T

    Starving Prostate Cancer

    Prostate cancers are hungry, growing cells. Now we know how to cut off their food supply thanks to research to be published later this month in Cancer Research work funded by Movember and the Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia. Researchers at the Centenary Institute in Sydney have...
  4. T

    Treating Glioblastoma By Starving Cancer Cells Of Cholesterol

    A new study suggests that blocking cancer cells' access to cholesterol may offer a new strategy for treating glioblastoma, the most common and deadly form of brain cancer, and perhaps other malignancies. The potential treatment could be appropriate for tumors with a hyperactive PI3K signaling...
  5. T

    Starving Breast Cancer Cells

    The most common breast cancer uses the most efficient, powerful food delivery system known in human cells and blocking that system kills it, researchers report. This method of starving cancer cells could provide new options for patients, particularly those resistant to standard therapies such as...
  6. C

    Why is my car starving for gas under hard acceleration?

    The car is a camaro with chevy 350 mild cam, headers ect. And edelbrock performer intake and carb. When I stepped on it hard to show off to a friend, it went good, then spuddered like it was running out of gas. I'm 90% sure it's a gas shortage since I just ran out of gas last week, and it did...
  7. J

    Im completely starving?

    im starving all i have at my house is pb & j bread and popcorn what to eat!! o and im to young to drive anywhetr
  8. K

    What is the book Olive Kitterage's Chapter "Starving" about?

    i cant understand it what so ever. any details that you can shed some light on will help. thank you.
  9. A

    If you were starving could you survive longer by eating chunks out your limbs?

    Or if you were thirsty could you cut yourself and drink some of your blood to "trick" your body into thinking it was getting a drink? Or would your body use more energy repairing the damage you caused than it provided you with?
  10. D

    Why does my cat whine like he's starving to death and then throw up?

    My cat is 3 years old. I feed him some food in the morning and some in the evening. After I feed him, he will continue to whine and whine and whine walking around the kitchen like he's dying of hunger...but if you give him any more then he just throws up! Why is he doing this?!?
  11. J

    Why do Hollywood actresses need to look starving?

    Don't they like naturally-shaped women in Hollywood ?
  12. N

    what do you do if you feel like your starving on your diet?

    im on a diet again for like the 10th time....i refuse to fail again...but i get the feeling that im starving myself when im not...what do i need to do when i feel like this...i try not to be depressed bc i know what that leads to.......but i need help feel free to give me any advice thats gonna...
  13. O

    how much weight can be lost by healthy eating or by starving myself over 7 weeks?

    a lot , but usually all dead people seem thin. and if you don't die you'll have permanent damage. have fun destroying your insides.
  14. B

    are you still giving money to the starving in africa,why is this still going on.?

    we have been giving to them for over 50 years or much do they need no shortage of food in america. if there is no men how they carry on having childern hi bottled,your country has not looked to others for food,you look after your r country is not showing pictures of starving...
  15. J

    why is 02' bmw 525i still starving for fuel? i changed fuel filter,still very

    hesitant or wont start.? Codes read banks 1&2 to lean.I replaced fuel filter,car still runs very poorly, i tried to listen for vacuum leaks,stepped on accelerator car stalled and wouldn't re-start, Could it be fuel pump and is it hard to re-place and what could it be, please help???
  16. J

    if u tell a counsler ur starving urself do they have to tell?

    i know they have that whole i wont tell unless its life threatening so is not eating something they have to tell ur parents???
  17. S

    If one only eats healthy stuff in small amounts after starving, would they still

    gain back the weight? ok so they are forced to eat and they eat but what if they eat little and only healthy stuff? they would still gain back the weight?
  18. S

    Would I loose weight FASTER by starving myself or excercise+healthy eating?

    by starving I mean by living on water, B-complex vitamins and fruits+ veggies, small healthy snaks if I really need to, and no meals I mean doing on of them, either starving or the other two *one of them oh and living on gum too