
  1. J

    A recipe that uses stale cookies?

    Im looking for a dessert recipe or something where I can make use of some cookies/biscuits that are a bit stale.
  2. W

    Does anyone else think that AC/DC is an extremely stale band?

    After the Bon Scott era, I think AC/DC has been one of the most generic and repetitive bands in rock. All their songs seem to sound the same, and I can't tell you how much I hate Brian Johnson's voice, there's no versatility whatsoever in his singing. Thoughts?
  3. A

    Would MMA go stale if there was 1 fighter in a weight division that would be it's

    champion for over 40 years? Example, if there was a guy named Mizter Champione and he would be the Heavyweight champion of the UFC for 40 years, assuming UFC will last this long. Will people get sick of him? Like, he'd win the championship in 2010 and will be it's champion until 2050. How would...
  4. A

    Would MMA go stale if there was 1 fighter in a weight division that would be it's

    champion for over 40 years? Example, if there was a guy named Mizter Champione and he would be the Heavyweight champion of the UFC for 40 years, assuming UFC will last this long. Will people get sick of him? Like, he'd win the championship in 2010 and will be it's champion until 2050. How would...
  5. J

    Is this what is making my cigarettes stale?

    ok i am asking this question in the chemistry secion because i am looking for a legitimate answer from someone who knows chemistry well and would be able to validly answer this question. i work at an ice rink. everytime i buy a new pack of cigs, they taste fine but then i go to work and am in...
  6. N

    Does anyone else think the muhammad joke on South Park got a little stale?

    Okay I get it, bleep the name and censor the figure. I thought the episode (I'm counting both parts as one) was okay, but the muhammad stuff just got so stale it started to really turn me off. The only parts I really enjoyed were the cartman bits. It just, in my opinion, got real old real...
  7. S

    How can I remove stale fuel? Will the car still get me to a near maintenance shop?

    Hello, In 2 weeks I go back to the states, means my car was standing there for 6 weeks without it beeing turned on. I have heard that the fuel might be stale by the time I get back. What should I do, to remove it? Would the car get me to a maintenance place so I can get it fixed? Can it cause...
  8. J

    Does stale tobacco lose nicotine?

    I roll my own cigarettes, and all I have is stale crap that has been sitting around for quite some time, it seems as if the tobacco has no nicotine in it, because smoking this crap isn't doing a thing for me. I tried googling it but to no avail all I found is anti tobacco agenda bullshi*t, and...
  9. S

    How to avoid stale tobacco in London?

    Yesterday on three seperate occasions I bought stale tobacco searching for some that wasn't in London. How can this be avoided because it has happened before. I buy Golden Virginia by the way. What is the problem of the people selling it, is there any particular shops where it will be new...
  10. R

    QUICK QUESTION about BMW synthetic oil and stale gasoline?

    Hi. I'm trying to have repaired a BMW (2004 M4) that sat unused in our garage for nearly 2 years. The mechanic replaced the battery ($180 US-- does this sound fair?). He also suggested putting in new oil and new gasoline, since, he said, these 2 items tend to break down when the car is left...