
  1. E

    can you set a different ringtone for each contact on the lg splendor from us...

    ...cellular? can you set a different ringtone for each contact from your music library on the LG splendor from us cellular anyone know and let me know i would like to know thanks
  2. T

    through the gates of splendor essay?

    through the gates of splendor essay any website or something plz help
  3. I

    Has anyone been on the Carnival Splendor Cruise Ship?? Or any Carnival

    Cruise Ship? What is it like? Will be going on a cruise around the Mexican Riviera in May aboard the Carnival Splendor and was wondering if it is a good ship. Has anyone had experience with Carnival Cruise Ships? I'd love if you told me about it. Thanks!!
  4. J

    would you ever take a trip on the carnival cruise ship called the splendor?

    That's so weird I was actually just looking at cruises through Carnival... not that I can afford to go on one haha. But, if I could afford it, I would still go on the Splendor if it didn't have any more problems in future voyages.
  5. R

    hey! which bike to go for splendor plus or passion pro?

    or suggest me a good bike under 50000....
  6. S

    Anyone else going on carnival cruise ship splendor on June 20, 2010 to Mexico

    for a week? I just wanna c whoelse is going. What kinda people will b there. Etc...
  7. S

    Which is a better bike splendor + or star city 110?

    looks doesn't matter in my case but performance does matter. So which is the better bike in performance case?
  8. S

    carnival splendor cruise to mexico, leaving feb 15, going to mexico?

    anyone gonna be there? it's leaving from long beach. are any of you going? it's leaving from long beach. are any of you going. tell me about yourself