
  1. S

    Spitting and cramps after period?

    I had my period end last week and for two Days this week I got real bad cramps and was spotting and pain when I had sex in not sure why? I also have had my tubes tied for nearly 2years
  2. J

    My 2008 MacBook Pro is spitting out DVD-R's, and will not "read" their presence.?

    My 2008 MacBook Pro is spitting out DVD-R's, and will not "read" their presence.? This will be the first time burning a DVD on my laptop (have successfully burned many CD's). I have a DVD-R 16x, and when I insert the blank DVD, the laptop tries to read it, but eventually rejects the DVD. My...
  3. G

    Museum Is Literally Spitting Out Burned Exhibits [Art]

    For his latest exhibit at the Museum of Moving Image in New York City, Berlin-born artist Aram Bartholl has installed a DVD burner into the side of the museum itself. More »
  4. V

    Pictures: Alicia Silverstone Spitting Food

    The Hollywood types can be weird. Really weird. Alicia Silverstone might take the cake … chew it and then spit it into her son’s mouth. Check out these Alicia Silverstone pictures of her spitting food. Yes, Alicia Silverstone is chewing food and then spitting it in her son’s mouth. Apparently...
  5. T

    Why am I spitting up tar? Am I spitting up tar?

    I've been spitting up (what I assume is) tar for a couple years now. Usually in the morning I have about 10 minutes where I have to cough and try and bring up phlegm because I can feel it, and there are usually little black specks in it, sometimes stringy. I assume it's tar because I have been a...
  6. M

    Why is my Suzuki 250 rm spitting out oil?

    Im new to the dirt bike scene so i dont know how normal or abnormal it it. Basically i seem to be spitting out oil out of my tail pipe. Its a pretty good amount and gest on the right side of my bike. I think its running 40:1 Ive been reading forums, alot say its normal. Id rather not have to...
  7. K

    Feral Kitten spitting?

    I've hand reared my kitten from being a couple of hours old. He's now 7 1/2 weeks and he spits when he plays. His mum and dad were both feral. Could this have something to do with it? Also, would being born to feral cats affect his behavior when he is a bit older? Thanks
  8. A

    How to describe someone spitting...?

    Weird question I know but I have to get it right! It's got to be somewhat dramatic. I'll give you the paragraph before hand: The man smiled and his devil wings fluttered. He knew she was apprehensive. He knew her body had came to a standstill. She wouldn't’t even bother to try to get out of his...
  9. T

    i had a dream last night. my teeth were crumbling and i was spitting them?

    could anyone tell me what this means? i was horrified then i realized i was dreaming that it was all a dream. i woke up thinking its just a dream to my horror i returned back to my dream.i always do that with dreams wake then return to where the dream left off. why do i do that? it was horrible...
  10. T

    Spitting up blood & passing out?

    I've been spitting up blood & keep passing out & breathing heavy. What are those symptoms & can they be cured? Could I have anything in soecific like a lung disease?
  11. R

    DVD player keeps spitting out DVDs!?

    I have a newer TV with a DVD player built into the back. Everytime I put a movie in, in acts like it's going to load, then spits the movie back out. I took it apart and can't see anything stuck in it or any OBVIOUS problems but I don't know much about electronics and don't want to break it. Any...
  12. S

    My Mac Powerbook G4 OS X 10.4.11 is spitting out DVD-Rs.?

    I'm trying to burn some videos to save space on my computer and I put the blank DVD in, it thinks for a while, makes some noises, then spits it out. Why isn't it taking my DVD-R's? It used to in the past.
  13. A

    MAC keeps spitting out DVD!?

    Hello all, could someone help. Every time I put in a DVD-RDL Dual Layer 8.5GB 4X into my MacBook, it spits it out. I don’t know why. I try other normal DVDs and DVD movies and it reads them fine. I want to put some big files on the dual layer DVDs. I thought it was just one bad one in the bunch...
  14. M

    nose bleeds and spitting up blood what could this be?

    hey was wanting a bit of advice before i go to the doctors so i am not wasting their time, the last few days i have been spitting up blood in the morning and been having slight nose bleeds, i went to the doctors a few weeks ago and they told me there was protein and white blood cells in my urine...
  15. L

    I have to give my dog 3 pills but she keeps spitting them out!?

    She can't have food. How can I get my dog to take all these pills. She closes her jaw real tight but when I do get them in her mouth, she WONT swallow!
  16. T

    My 84 Mazda B2000 is spitting and sputtering.?

    I was driving my truck down the road when it instantaneously started spitting and sputtering. It was trying to die on me and I had to keep pumping the gas. It choked it's way back to the house. It had every indication of a clogged fuel filter or a bad fuel pump. I replaced the filter first and...
  17. A

    why is my 98 Lexus ES 300 spitting out oil everywhere and smoke is coming out from...

    ...under the hood? My car just started smoking out from under the hood, and when I looked under neath it, oil was spitiing out all over the engine and there was not a drop of oil left in it. What could have happened?
  18. T

    can spitting blood up be a result of screaming to hard?

    My brother has been spitting up alittle blood since last night and we all wanna know what can cause it .
  19. S

    My dad spits when he talks, how do I tell him nicely to stop spitting?

    My dad has a habit of spitting while talking. Although I've gotten used to it, I find it repulsive when his spit falls on my food or if I make something like a pizza and his spit ends up falling on it. Now when I try to tell him not to talk around my food, he ends up getting very angry as if I'm...