
  1. N

    Scared to tackle in Football? Highschool Sophomore?

    well look on the bright side, you're in pads , nobody is forcing you to play just play basketball like i did its just as popular as football in highschool.
  2. N

    sophomore question about college e quizzes!!!!! *10 POINTS!!!*?

    ok so over the past like week or so i have gotten 9 college letters. they all say take an e quiz online to know your personality and what is a perfect college for you. if i do it does it make me look better? what f i have no interest in these colleges? will it stay in my record forever? btw im...
  3. A

    Cliff Alexander, top sophomore hoops prospect, demolishes backboard on fastbreak slam

    It's still early in the recruiting cycle for the Class of 2014, but the number of suitors for Illinois sophomore power forward Cliff Alexander is likely to rise soon, thanks in large part to his phenomenal strength in the post. Want proof? Just check out the backboard-shattering dunk below...
  4. S

    Did Blake Griffin play in the rookie sophomore challenge. And if so, why... he considered a sophomore.? Did the first year not count because he was injured and didnt play a game
  5. K

    Nutrition help for a college sophomore?

    Ok, let me start off by giving important information: I'm nineteen years old, suffer from mild to severe acid reflux, hardly ever drink sodas or sugary drinks & consumes more water than anything. But here's the problem: I'm extremely fond of sugary treats like chocolate and lemon cookies & I...
  6. T

    So here's the deal... I love sports and am a sophomore in high school...

    Gave never played any sports ever.? Is it to late to salvage my high school athletic Carrer... Am a good athlete but outbid shape.
  7. A

    is this outfit too sluttty for a sophomore cruise?

    a dress simular to this: but its just plain black, no sparkles, and i dont think the v-neck goes that low, probs a bit higher then sparkly 3-inch heels and sheer tights idk, i feel like i...
  8. W

    Who will win: Rookie Team or Sophomore Team?

    I like the rookie team they look pretty good with Wall, Griffin, Cousins, Bledsoe, and Favors.
  9. R

    Funny/ Cute Sophomore quotes?

    Its spirit week at school and me and my friend are decorating blue shirts (because its our grade color) and we want to put a cute or funny saying on it like " live more laugh more sophomore" or jingle bells, seniors smell, sophomores all the way, juniors suck, there all sluts and freshmen have...
  10. H

    Favorite NBA Rookie and Sophomore?

    In rookies, I'd pick John Wall- Obviously the #1 pick in the draft. Very athletic and once Arenas is traded out of Washington, this man will lead them all the way. Blake Griffin- Obviously didn't compete last season, but for me he is the favorite to win ROY Avery Bradley- Along with Rondo and...
  11. I

    Who should be in the Rookie vs. Sophomore game?

    list some players also who should be in the dunk contest in your opinion?
  12. S

    What will the starting lineups be for the 2010 Rookie vs Sophomore game?

    Based on the play by the rookies and sophomores so far this season, here are my starting lineups for the rookie vs sophomore game at 2010 all star weekend Rookies- PG- Jonny Flynn SG- Brandon Jennings SF- Tyreke Evans PF- Omri Casspi (it'l probably be Blake Griffin but he hasn't played so far...
  13. V

    I need campaign slogans for class queen Ms. Sophomore her name is Brianna Bell.?

    Catchy slogans that are clean.
  14. G

    Paris Hilton’s Sophomore Album All Hip-Hop?

    Paris Hilton may just have some hip-hop songs on her next album! She has reportedly teamed up with actor/rapper Simon Rex in a new song. “She was rapping with Simon Rex in the studio. They had a blast,” a source told InTouch Weekly. Paris also tells InTouch that the singles will be written by [...]