
  1. R

    why do british soaps.. show scenes where people always shout and argue with each...

    ...other? most shouting is Eastenders...what example do these programs give to young precious minds
  2. W

    Abc soaps quiz: who am i?

    I am the oldest patriach on the show. I have 3 children. One is a slut who steals babies. One is a lesbian who may or may not still be a lesbian. One was my aborted baby who popped up years later as a doctor and is now ironically dead. I have been married 11 times. I am in my 60's but i still...
  3. J

    do you know any vegan recipes for homemade soaps or bath products?

    any good ones? alot i see have some sort of animal fat or milk or somthing weird in them.
  4. M

    Soaps ...................isn't it funny?

    how the soaps go in the same direction. David really dead? Tea really dead? Y& Chance really dead? do these writers write for the same shows?
  5. L

    Why do some dish washing soaps work better than others?

    i've been working on a science fair project on surface tension. Its to see how many drops does it take to break the surface tension of water and i use different types of soaps, but why do some work better?
  6. E

    good websites with spoilers and gossip about tv soaps in england?

    i want to know some english soap gossip, please - some good websites !
  7. E

    Have any soaps ever merged? How did that work? WHICH ONES?

    Iv remember in the past something like All My Children & another soap merged for a week or two..? Anyone remember anything like that ? If so, which shows?
  8. S

    CBS SOAPS: So heard a rumor that they might cancel Guiding Light?

    Which I think is totally ludicrous!!! If they are going to cancel a show don't you think it should be Bold&Beautiful? It's the shortest running soap on CBS and the story lines are always the same to me, To be honest I haven't even watched it since Rick has been messing with Stepy b/c it just...
  9. G

    My skin itches after I shower. I'd switched 3 different soaps!?

    I itch like crazy after I shower. What could be wrong
  10. J

    How do the people on the soaps act so well?

    Well I mean how do you kiss someone so passionately and not want to get involved with them in real life. I dont understand how you can disassociate your mind from your body when you are kissing someone else, then go home to your family without even thinking about it. Yes I know it is acting but...
  11. L

    Why do you think it is, that in the Soaps category so many people do not

    allow you to contact them? Do you think perhaps they don't understand that the email address is hidden from the sender and your privacy ( real email address) remains private? I know, especially here, that when someone posts a question, and I answer, there are sometimes lots of back and forth...