
  1. G

    Briefly: Greens on price gouging, SLI Systems loss, MS boosts Skydrive Pro

    Price gouging raises its ugly head again after a Green Party survey showing New Zealanders pay on average 40 percent more than Americans for software and hardware products.There’s not much governments can do about price-gouging other than naming and shaming the guilty parties. That might not...
  2. D

    Can i have two GTX 680s with diffrent brands in SLI?

    Can an Evga gtx 680 and an Asus gtx 680 run in SLI with each other? They both have the exact same specs. it's just that i cant fit two asus gtx 680s in my computer, so instead of two asus GPUs im gona go with an Evga and an Asus, i just need to know if they can go in SLI.
  3. H

    can gtx 690 4 gb be used in sli with gtx 680 2gb ?

    i want to buy gtx 690 4gb and if it gets slow then can i buy gtx 680 2gb and use it in sli and get better fps? i want to do this in my custom desktop.
  4. L

    When you file a flight plan, lets say KLAX to VOR SLI, is there a

    specific course you need to follow? What I mean by this is say you file a flight plan, KLAX to SLI, IFR. And ATC puts you en route, is there an actual 'imaginary' course you need to follow? What I mean is that ATC in FSX never puts me exactly on course and when I tune into the VOR and get it...
  5. «

    which is better?? gts250 SLI or gtx295?

    Hi,. i use a gts250 1gb on a g31Mxp motherboard, which has only 1 PCIxEx slot. I'm planning to upgrade to a p55 motherboard by the end of the next week. so my question is should i buy a gtx295 with the motherboard, or should i buy a gts250 and SLI it with the old one? Please consider answering...
  6. «

    which is better?? gts250 SLI or gtx295?

    Hi,. i use a gts250 1gb on a g31Mxp motherboard, which has only 1 PCIxEx slot. I'm planning to upgrade to a p55 motherboard by the end of the next week. so my question is should i buy a gtx295 with the motherboard, or should i buy a gts250 and SLI it with the old one? Please consider answering...
  7. T

    possible to bridge 4 pci-e graphics cards together with SLI?

    Hi, I'm wondering, are there any motherboards out there that you can bridge 4 pci-e graphics cards together on? If so, could you give me a name? It would be even better if you could give me a link to a website listing these motherboards for sale. Cheers.
  8. D

    Can I Make A SLI Computer Out Of A Mid-Tower!?

    I have been modding this old mid-tower AOpen an yes its ATX so can I mke it into a SLI gaming rig because I put alot of ork into it and dont want to reallystart over again from the beginning.Thanx
  9. D

    45nm motherboard, SLI Capable?

    can you find me a motherboard that supports 45nm pentium dual core processor, and sli capable?
  10. B

    Dual video cards possible without SLI or Crossfire?

    I am looking to build a new comp and want to have 3 monitors connected to the comp. Can I put 2 video cards in one machine without having to purchase an SLI or Crossfire ready mobo?
  11. K

    whats better two 512 sli ready cards, or one 1tb card??video cards, compute.?

    say they are good 512 cards, but the next step up is a tb, but the price is double...
  12. S

    Does GTX 260 Increase Processing for Video Editing whilst in SLi?

    I have Sony Vegas Pro 8.0, and I recently upgraded my video cards to two Nvidia GTX 260s. If I put the cards in SLi, will they increase video processing ability? Any suggestions on optimal video card configurations to enhance video editing would be appreciated. I am using two monitors as...
  13. S

    I have a NVidia GeForce 7900 GT/GTO, but on SLi?

    I wanted to know do I have to get another NVidia GeForce 7900 GT/GTO to have a SLi, or can I get NVIDIA GeForce 7900 GT OC, or a EVGA Geforce 7900 GT KO, would they work for SLi?
  14. R

    600 watts power supply is enough for 2 multi geforce gpu, not SLI?

    my system specification with current power supply 480 watts: Hard Disk 320 GB 2 GB RAM Geforce 8800 GTS 320 MB Asus P5W DH Deluxe motherboard, now I change to 600 watts power supply, is it enough to add Geforce GTX 260 with 216 cores for graphic process and Geforce 8800 GTS 320 MB for PhsyX...
  15. P

    Whitch graphics card woud be good to SLI with a Geforce 9800GTX+ ?

    i have a Geforce 9800GTX+ and i want to do a SLI but i dont do which Gaphics card i should buy my specs are ASUS P5N-D nforce 750i SLI 4GB ram .......... which graphics card do u think is good 2 SLI With a geforce 9800 GTX+ thanks in advance Freddy b