
  1. M

    Study: Consumers skeptical of fast talk disclaimers

    [No message]
  2. G

    Skeptical Search Engine

    I've updated the Skeptical Search Engine (on the left side bar of this site, as well as below in this blog post) to include more sites dealing with climate change. Enjoy! Read the comments on this post...
  3. G

    The Skeptical Movement as a Dysfunctional Corporation with a Nightmare HR Problem

    Just an idea ... not entirely work safe ... below the fold. Read the rest of this post... | Read the comments on this post...
  4. G

    I'm skeptical of this...

    I'm skeptical that it is possible to make fried beer. I find it hard to believe that one can be human and not be a hypocrite at least some times. I'm skeptical that atheist doctors will actually conspire to kill you sooner than other doctors. I'm skeptical that science experiments always...
  5. G

    Skeptical Search Engine Update

    So far, my new experimental Skeptical Search Engine has been used hundreds of times, and the top searchers are: deepak chopra homeopath ghost high fructose corn syrup god evolution zecharia sitchin creationism ghosts global warming ancient astronauts ufo pyramids egypt love...
  6. G

    Skeptical Search Engine Updated

    I've significantly expanded the search domain (or is that range?) of the Evolution ... not just a theory anymore Skeptical Search Engine. Click here to give it a try. Look up stuff like "ghost" and "vaccine" and "fluoride" and see what you get. Let me know if you think I'm missing any...
  7. G

    Did you ever want a purely skeptical version of Google Search?

    Where all the crap on the Internet is excluded, so your results are from the kind of sites you actually want to use as sources of information? CLICK HERE and bookmark that page! Read the comments on this post... More...
  8. T

    Some Parents Skeptical Of HPV Vaccination For Boys

    FDA's approval last year of Merck's human papillomavirus vaccine, Gardasil, for boys and men ages nine through 26 to protect against genital warts "is prompting yet another round of internal debate" among "parents already uneasy about vaccinating their children," the Chicago Tribune reports...
  9. G

    The iPad and Skeptical Computing

    I'm going to make an argument that you should buy an Apple iPad despite widespread rumors of hardware problems and despite widespread criticisms of its design as funky and flawed. And by "you" I mean yooz guyz who are skeptics. Read the rest of this post... | Read the comments on this post...
  10. G

    You can help promote skeptical thinking

    Last Fourth of July Weekend, I attended Skepchicon, which is a "track" at a "con" (where a con is a thing where everyone dresses up like Darth Vader or a Twilight character or whatever). I was on the panel for a couple of sessions and participated in others, and had a blast. The most...
  11. I

    how should i react when i feel skeptical of my boyfriend but we only been

    together for 3 weeks? sometimes i feel kinda sketchy of my boyfriend, like when he says he will call me at like 11pm and doesnt till 3am, there is a few other things, but i dont want to just come out and accuse him of lying or seeming fishy to me at all, because i have no proof! it sucks because...
  12. T

    Should I be skeptical about buying a 2001 Honda Civic with a rebuilt engine?

    The car I'm interested in is a 2001 Honda Civic Ex with 70k miles on a rebuilt engine (new clutch too). It is in great condition body-wise, no accidents, and the seller says he put in new brakes, and sparkplugs 15k miles ago. This was the seller's daughters car and its up for a really...