
  1. A

    Corey Crawford not worried about his ?weak? glove side against Bruins shooters

    CHICAGO – Patrick Sharp of the Chicago Blackhawks figured the Boston Bruins had found a way to exploit goalie Corey Crawford, so why not try it himself in practice. “He stopped me, glove side,” said Sharp on Friday. “Hopefully he has it all figured out.” Crawford’s glove was the new...
  2. P

    Do you prefer a handheld controller or keyboard and mouse for first person shooters?

    For me the handheld just feels more natural. I can't stand the keyboard and mouse at all. But I know a lot of people do. Which do you prefer and why?
  3. R

    Know any good sci-fi shooters for the ps2?

    Thanks to the fact that most of the games these days focus too much attention on the online crap, I started to miss my old favorites. So I decided to get another ps2. However, my tastes grew larger since the last time I had a ps2. Thanks to the games I started playing on the ps3, I learned that...
  4. M

    Best Sci-Fi Shooters?

    I am looking for some cool sci-fi shooters for my Playstation 3. When I say sci-fi shooters, I'm talking ones that generally take place in dark, gritty, linear corridor environments and have a focus on shooting. Games like Half-Life 2, Doom, Quake, Red Faction, Chronicles of Riddick- you know...
  5. I

    Must have shooters for a newbie pc gamer?

    Had a pretty high spec computer for a few months now and would like some nice fps' for it. I hear alot of the console ones fail on pc :( So I was looking for any shooters that are exclusive/better on PC :D Using PC for fraps gameplay recording youtube- IIEDoGv5
  6. N

    are there any good rail shooters for ps3 or wii?

    that's all
  7. C

    What are some good sci fi/survival/horror xbox 360 shooters?

    So does anyone know of some good sci fi, survival, horror, xbox 360 shooters? I'm bored of all my games right now. They don't have to be new games that just came out or anything.
  8. A

    what are the best non rated M first person shooters on the ps3?

    My mom won't let me play anything that has a lot of blood and strong language so what are the best T rated shooters I can find in the ps3?
  9. C

    Xbox 360 Shooters Help?

    I'm going to get a new game soon, but I need some suggestions on new games that are really good with storyline, gameplay and single player/campaign. (I already have all cod releases to date, GTA IV, Gears of War1,2) I really enjoyed all of these.
  10. G

    Pico Projector Gun Controller Beams First-Person Shooters on Any Surface [Gaming]

    Redneck Techie's vision for a pico projector Wireless Game Gun has been Microvision. As you can see, the controller allows gamers to break free from their fixed screens and project the battle on any surface. Using the infinite focus capability of the PicoP display engine...
  11. G

    Wii Xbox 360 to Make Shooters More Accessible to Non-Gamers [Humor]

    Like Wii Music before it, Nintendo's upcoming Wii Xbox 360 takes something that once required skill to be good at and lowers the bar for entry. Finally, your mom can kick ass at Call of Duty! Written by me, directed and edited by Craig Rowin, makeup by Annamarie Tendler, starring Noah Plener...
  12. G

    Wii Xbox 360 to Make Shooters More Accessible to Non-Gamers [Humor]

    Like Wii Music before it, Nintendo's upcoming Wii Xbox 360 takes something that once required skill to be good at and lowers the bar for entry. Finally, your mom can kick ass at Call of Duty! Written by me, directed and edited by Craig Rowin, makeup by Annamarie Tendler, starring Noah Plener...
  13. R

    Fellow shooters, how will you celebrate?

    It's April 20, 2013, and I've been president of the US for 3 months now. I've managed to get 99% of Federal and state gun restrictions repealed (except that minimum age requirement, which now also applies to handguns as well as those arms which were regulated under NFA '34, GCA '68, and the...
  14. J

    shooters PS3 >?????????????

    what are some good 3rd person shooters for the ps3?? thanks!
  15. A

    PS3: Any good Shooters or RPGs?

    I would like to play a PS3 game (Shooter, RPG, Shooter/RPG kind). Something easy would be nice as I am inexperienced with shooters, and a rating of Teen or Mature(mild). Note: I've played Uncharted.
  16. M

    What Shooters are you looking forward to on Xbox 360?

    - Halo 3 : ODST - Call of Duty : Modern Warfare 2 - Bioshock 2 - Battlefield Bad Company 2 - Army of Two: The 40th Day - Mass Effect 2 - Godfather 2 or All of the above (You money waster) or Other. If so, then name one.
  17. J

    what are some good sci-fi first person shooters for ps2?

    games like resistance fall of man/resistance 2 etc.
  18. A

    What are some good shooters for the psp that have online capabilties?

    also is call of duty 3 good for psp and does medal of honor hereos 2 have online multiplayer