
  1. G

    This Never Ending Ocean of Flowers Will Overwhelm Your Senses [Image Cache]

    Every spring there is an ocean of yellow flowers in the county of Luoping, an underdeveloped area on the east of the Yunnan Province, China. They are canola, used for the production of oil for humans, animals and biodiesel cars. They cover absolutely every field in sight. Amazing. More »
  2. K

    What's an interesting research topic about the 5 senses?

    for example, how do the senses effect our dreams? how are young people's senses different from older peoples? what happens when you lose a sense? thanks :)
  3. G

    Help please?what is good about having Laughter in a relationship? or senses humor?

    HELP! Tell me in detail please also what were your experience if you don't mind sharing and any good ideas?
  4. G

    what is good about having Laughter in a relationship? or senses humor?

    HELP! Tell me in detail please also what were your experience if you don't mind sharing and any good ideas?
  5. P

    Do people from different regions of the United States have different senses of humor?

    And I don't mean some topics being more taboo in one place than in another (for example, raunchy sexual jokes possible being less appreciated in a more conservative or religious part of the country). What I mean is whether the very understanding of what makes something funny or humorous, and/or...
  6. G

    Air Purifier Glows Red When It Senses Pollution [Air Purifiers]

    I don't know how bad the pollution gets in your house, but I'm willing to put a few college students could do with a visual reminder that it's time to put the rubbish out. Coway's AP-1008 is that reminder. More »
  7. A

    Well sasuke ever come to his senses?

    Will he ever go back to the leaf. I hate this heartless sasuke I miss the sasuke who cared about his teamates Or will he just die?
  8. S

    Quiz about 5 senses guys only?

    Ok so im doing some research finding out what attracts men. Using the 5 scents (this is for school btw!) So men of all ages, please read the following rules, and answers the questions. thanks! (: RULES: Anyone who is male can do this little quiz. Please answer specifically, seriously, and...
  9. S

    Quiz about 5 senses guys only?

    Ok so im doing some research finding out what attracts men. Using the 5 scents (this is for school btw!) So men of all ages, please read the following rules, and answers the questions. thanks! (: RULES: Anyone who is male can do this little quiz. Please answer specifically, seriously, and...
  10. J

    Intelligent people with immature/stupid senses of humor?

    I say immature/stupid although I myself have a pretty childish sense of humor. Anyway, this is just something I've noticed recently and ma wondering about. Why is it that a lot of intelligent and mature people have really immature senses of humor? Of course this doesn't apply to all intelligent...
  11. G

    senses fails first dvd?

    i remember way back when before still searching that senses fail came out with a dvd with one of their albums. so i went and bought let it infold u with the dvd n it had three live songs andtwo videos i said this is bull crap i remember the other dvd as being like a bunch of videos on tour back...
  12. B

    Can a couple with differing senses of humor ever work out?

    I'm a sweet girl, and he's a sarcastic guy. We have common interests, we don't fight, we're both perfectly courteous with each other but for me, I have no romantic interest in him. I'm 90% sure that he's attracted to me, but it's just not working. It's like I can't be my sweet self if his sense...
  13. B

    Can a couple with differing senses of humor ever work out?

    I'm a sweet girl, and he's a sarcastic guy. We have common interests, we don't fight, we're both perfectly courteous with each other but for me, I have no romantic interest in him. I'm 90% sure that he's attracted to me, but it's just not working. It's like I can't be my sweet self if his sense...
  14. E

    How do I show her I have a senses of humor?

    I have a joke. There is a chair, eh the chair.. walk.. with a shoes! La la la la la, he walk on the street. The chair is walking! I should tell this joke?
  15. M

    Is it possible that ghosts are lifeforms our senses can't pick up?

    Basically when people say they see ghosts could it be other lifeforms on earth that co-exist with us and that these people have more honed senses. For instance of our five senses we have a limits, such as we can't hear under 40 DB, we can't see atoms with our eyes etc. p.s. i don't mean cold...
  16. T

    For the pass few months my senses have been out of wack part 2?

    For the pass few months my senses have been out of wack . Do anbody know how i can be whole again. I change my style to impress some one and i ever since then my thoughts have been out of wack. Like these thoughts are starting to affect how i speak and etc. I have to think the opposite to...