
  1. L

    Isn't it kind of Satanic to wear a crucifix which doesn't have the figure of...

    ...Christ nailed onto it too? Actually it's kind of creepy having Christ nailed up too but the cross itself was a torture / execution device. Wearing that without Christ on it is fetishising something used to make Christ suffer horribly so how can it be displayed without Christ appearing on it?
  2. DrDeanCrosby

    An Astounding Transcript Describing Satanic Mind Control

    Below you will read a transcript of an online chat I had with one of my clients this morning.She recently escaped from a Satanic commune a few days ago and currently is hospitalized because one of the Satanic priests almost killed her fetus when he shot her with a tazer gun...
  3. M

    Is the band Mystic Prophecy satanic or anti-christian?

    Just wondering. I listened to their song To The Devil I Pray, and I was just curious.
  4. L

    What can a child do about new Nazi & barbarian, satanic, homo, evil neighbors?

    Two people just moved into my neighborhood. A German and a Native American couple, both of who are goths. They play the nice role - helping out the community, and generally keeping to themselves. But everyone knows goths are satanic, and my mom doesn't want me to be offered up as a sacrifice. I...
  5. K

    If it's racist not to be Muslim, antisemitic not to be a fan of Judaism, Satanic..?

    not to be a Christian, and "anti" to believe anything not endorsed by the LDS Church, then what is the favorite pejorative for non-Hindus? Has it also lost all of its original meaning?
  6. R

    why do so many "christians" say that halloween is a satanic day?

    how so?
  7. M

    Is the Band Abysmal Dawn ANTI GOD OR RELIGION OR SATANIC?

    I asked this cuz of the lyrics from this song, i have no idea wat it is about but it sounds bad??? Twilight's Fallen lyrics Born into the realm of infamy My mind secedes into the calm Angels weep in the throes of their humility Another day has come and gone Twilight's fallen Consumed by dark...
  8. Y

    What is the Satanic religion about? I mean, what are the ethics?

    I want SATANISTS to tell me... not anyone else because only Satanists would really know what the hell is going on... Thank you!
  9. H

    My annual Satanic meeting - Sacrifice?

    So I'm 23 years old this is my tenth time hosting the Eastern Californian Satanic Meeting.. After ten years of hosting this it's getting pretty bland. We do the same things every damn year, fill squirt guns with blood and shoot each other, sacrifice piglets, ya know.. the usual.. this year we...
  10. J

    Do Satanic churches allow mentally handycaped people?

    I am a mentally slow man . there is a church i've been writing back and fourth to they say yeah we'll take you you're fine. BQ- Rate this its an intro about a racial retard on the loose
  11. H

    Who wrote Satanic Verses?

    The book that was banned because it insulted the islamic religion
  12. A

    Is Judas Priest a satanic band?

    what makes them a satanic what makes them not a satanic band?? just your opain please or are they Blasfumiss
  13. J

    Is it ok to follow a satanic religion?

    Ok, according to amendment one of the constitution, there is freedom of speech, AND religion. Would satanic religions be allowed through this?
  14. F

    Is the internet a Satanic invention?

    I visited this church last Sunday with a family member, for the first time that I have been in a while. The pastor was giving a sermon saying something like the internet is a Satanic invention and was advising his members to stay away from it because it is sinful and will lead you to Hell. To be...