
  1. J

    Clicking the copy to card button on my samsung S860 digital camara & lost all...

    ...my pics?!?! HELP PLEASE? I DON'T have the manual anymore, I clicked the button screwing around on the camara & next thing I knew no more pics when I hit the view the pictures button...please help!!! I had very important pics on there of my 1st day with my baby girl...does anyone know what...
  2. J

    Clicking the copy to card button on my samsung S860 digital camara & lost all...

    ...my pics?!?! HELP PLEASE? I DON'T have the manual anymore, I clicked the button screwing around on the camara & next thing I knew no more pics when I hit the view the pictures button...please help!!! I had very important pics on there of my 1st day with my baby girl...does anyone know what...
  3. M

    Can my Samsung s860 be used as a webcam?

    Would it be cheaper (and possible) for me to buy a USB cord and hook it up as a web cam as opposed to buying a awesome quality web cam? I'm in webcam modeling and I need a new cam
  4. C

    Problem with Samsung S860 camera?

    I downloaded pictures from the camera to my computer now the pictures aren't showing up on the camera. I didn't delete them - how do I get them back to being able to see them?
  5. C

    Problem with Samsung S860 camera?

    I downloaded pictures from the camera to my computer now the pictures aren't showing up on the camera. I didn't delete them - how do I get them back to being able to see them?
  6. D

    Help? My Samsung S860 wont turn on?

    Okay my Samsung S860 wont turn on, It turns on with a black screen then it beeps 3Times, &Then it turns off. Never dropped it or anything like that. I even replaced the batteries but it keeps doing the same thing. Any Help Please.
  7. K

    Problems with S860 Samsung Black Camera. Help needed ASAP.?

    I'm making a video for an assignment and i need to upload the previous video i made to make space for the next one. I've installed the software, put in the cable and turned the camera on but it's not detecting the camera. I uninstalled it and reinstalled it, following everything but nothing is...
  8. J

    Samsung s860 digital camera, any good features i can use to take good photos?

    hi, does this camera have any features, unlike usual cameras that i can take good pictures with. i think that it is a good camera however i want to take very good photos, i know how to change shutter speed, however ive always wondered how they make the sky dark at the top and light at the...
  9. J

    is a samsung s860 a decent camera?

    just wondering.
  10. B

    samsung s860 flashing green light?

    ok Ive had this camera for about 2 days never dropped hit it or physically abused it today wail taking pictures the camera suddenly turned off it wont turn on and the lens is out so i relapsed the batts and when i try to turn it on the green light flashes and when i let go of the button nothing...
  11. B

    samsung s860 flashing green light?

    ok Ive had this camera for about 2 days never dropped hit it or physically abused it today wail taking pictures the camera suddenly turned off it wont turn on and the lens is out so i relapsed the batts and when i try to turn it on the green light flashes and when i let go of the button nothing...
  12. A

    Samsung s860, Purple Tint on screen?

    I have noticed that when taking pictures of bright subjects, subjects against the sky, or back lit by bright light, the view screen gets a light purple tint when focusing, but when the picture is taken, the picture if fine, no purple tint on it. is this a feature of the view screen? has anyone...
  13. M

    i cant upload my pictures from my samsung s860 to my computer?

    I bought this camera from a friends friend so i bought the USB cord and tried to upload it to my laptop and nothing pops up for me to load them.
  14. S

    Samsung S860 Memory Card Problem?

    Card error takes in a multitude of faults. It could be the cards corrupted, it could be the cameras card socket is not making a good connection, it could be the card just wants formating in the camera. So its a process of elimination, first try to format the card in camera if that doesn't work...
  15. G

    Can you use energizer rechargeable batteries for the samsung S860 camera?

    HI there, I'm about to get a blue samsung S860 camera (soo close=]) and I'm just a tad confused about the battery part XD I'm wondering i it matters if you use any type of battery as long at it's rechargeable( i prefer that) so i plan to use energizer thanks 4 helping=] ooo btw does it come...