
  1. S

    Would anyone like to share Rusty cooley arpegios madness guitar dvd coz i...

    ...really want that but i cant afford ? If anyone hav this dvd name Rusty cooley arpeggios madness ,please do share it in torrrent and provide me with the link.....
  2. S

    My furnace and water heater vent pipes connect together and were rusty,... I am replacing them with new? I took the old ones down and made pattern pieces from the old pieces onto the new. Now I have all the pieces, but of course the fit it tricky and so every time I try to put a long piece up, it wants to come loose in places and fall down (and dent a little). Is...
  3. M

    How to clean a rusty tank in the 19 foot boat?

    A friend of mine bought a nice boat and completely restored it. The only problem is that the tank is build in the floor and he can't take it out. It is an older boat therefore it has some rust in the tank. He tried to clean it, sucked it out with vacuum etc After a while the rust mixes with...
  4. V

    I am spot painting my rusty truck. First applying bondo, then primer,

    then red paint.? I am spot painting my rusty truck. First applying bondo, then primer, then red paint. Wondering what to do next. Thought I would use rubbing compound to help feather the finish. Am thinking I need to also apply a clear coat. Do you apply clear coat paint after doing the...
  5. J

    Why would rotors become rusty only in the middle?

    About %50 of the rotors on my two front wheels are being used. The brake pads on both wheels is hitting the outer edges only. The middles are full of rust. This started after i painted the original calipers and put new pads on. I used a wire wheel to remove the rust, then prepped with brake...
  6. F

    Where can I get my rusty wheel arches fixed near Brighton?

    I have a 1996 Renault Megane and rust is just starting to show on the lips of the rear arches. I'd like to fix it before it gets any worse.
  7. Y

    what is the song at the start of the rusty malinoski wakeboard film link below? really want to know what it is thanks everyone. the first song in time with his jumps
  8. H

    Rusty The Great Rescue (1998)

    Category: Movies-XviD Size: 808.92 MB Files: 62 (9 pars) Group: a.b.movies .NFO: View NFO IMDB: 0120044 Posted: Fri August 28th 04:09:36 UTC Download NZB
  9. J

    I've got 2 bikes that are abit rusty help!?

    Soo i've got a huffy one ton.. its honey yellow with chrome pegs Its not really bad but the chrome pegs are quite rusty and it ruins the look of the bike.. ive also got a black gt, That has black pegs with ting spots of rust onit.. How can i remove this rust quickly, Cheaply, Safely.. BTW...
  10. D

    How do I replace old trucks on my skateboard that are rusty?

    My trucks are around 1 year old, and on one fateful day, it rained when I left my board outside. I didn't think anything of it, but now I am realizing that my board is logged with rust. And upon realizing it, I decided I would buy new trucks, wheels and hardware. Now, I just need to get the...
  11. D

    Unknown rusty parts that fell of the bottom of my car ?

    Anyone know what these rusty parts are off of ? I have a 1998 peugeot 106 and think they have came from the front under section of the car but i dont know where exactly ? My car has been lying in the garage unused for a few months and...
  12. C

    My SiStEr MaDe My BiKe RuStY?

    My sister decieded to be a douche bag and dump snow on my bike almost everyday for like 2 months and now its really rusty. Its worst on the Chain, Rims, Brakeline, Pegs, And on the Stem Bolts. Anyone know how to cheaply get the rust off?
  13. J

    i have an '89 honda crx si....recently acquired.i'm rusty when it comes to a

    5-speed.any suggestions? ? i don't want to harm the transmission with improper shifting of the it better to have it in first gear while at a stoplight(one foot on the clutch and one on the brake)or to have it in neutral?i just want to be safe and effective while driving a
  14. G

    How do I get out some old rusty screws from my truck's guard rale?

    I can't turn the screws to take them out and replace because the heads of the screws are crumbled. I Want to take out the rubber steps of the step rale and replace them but can't ge the screws out. Thank You
  15. S

    can you put pegs on a rusty bike?

    i ordered pegs and the back of my bike tires where i am supposed to put the pegs are rusty. Should i remove the rust first and then put the pegs on or does it not matter? I havent gotten my pegs yet so will they even be able to go on if there is rust?