
  1. W

    nokia communication center is rubbish application?

    sometimes works fine but sometimes you restart phone and pc either but it doesnt show a single message at all... you refresh 100 times but still shows 0 message even you have thousands messages in inbox..
  2. M

    disney channel rubbish now?

    I am sick of seeing the same self centered , " got to be famous" actors on disney channel. Is it just me or is disney channel trying to tell kids that being famous is everything?? i mean why would they do that?????
  3. D

    Why do Romney and Obama talk such rubbish?

    I'm trying to figure out why they both such so much.
  4. J

    How to tell your girlfriend they are rubbish at their future career?!?

    My girlfriend loves art and singing, and she one day wants to have a career in art! The only problem is...she is not very good...infact...she is a very BAD artist...and singer!!! Should I let her know? Or just ignore it and hopes she changes her mind on career paths? I mean, I really dont want...
  5. J

    if sony ericsson X10 a real rubbish,why mine always have problem?

    blank screen ,reboot.........., I hate X10............
  6. A

    Now that Limewire is rubbish, what software is best?

    Limewire and Frostwire have gone to the dogs, I cannot find any songs. I would like some sort of free software that actually allows you to find the song you are after.
  7. A

    Now that Limewire is rubbish, what software is best?

    Limewire and Frostwire have gone to the dogs, I cannot find any songs. I would like some sort of free software that actually allows you to find the song you are after.
  8. K

    Rate my joke! 1 being rubbish, 10 being perfect?

    Don't assume things, cuz when you assume, it makes an A S S out of U and ME. Get it?
  9. E

    Do you think the vampire diaries books are rubbish?

    I really enjoyed the show so I bought the books and was bitterly dissapointed. They are terrible and so boring. What do you think?
  10. T

    Don't buy LG phones!!!! They are ABSOLUTELY RUBBISH!!!!!!!!!!!?

    I have made the incredibly STUPID decision of purchasing a LG RENOIR mobile phone and I am compelled to inform anyone else who is deciding on a phone to buy to avoid the lg renoir like a plague! IT SUCKS!!!! It is the most un-user-friendly piece of RUBBISH as a mobile phone. I LOVE the camera...
  11. P

    Why is year 0 interest outputting rubbish! C programming?

    When i compile with gcc on cygwin it ouput a huge number for year 0 interest, does anyone know why? here is my source code /* Bank.c ***************************************************************** Bank.c is desinged to simulate a cash flow situation for a retiree. Bank.c takes into...
  12. P

    Why is year 0 interest outputting rubbish! C programming?

    When i compile with gcc on cygwin it ouput a huge number for year 0 interest, does anyone know why? here is my source code /* Bank.c ***************************************************************** Bank.c is desinged to simulate a cash flow situation for a retiree. Bank.c takes into...
  13. E

    why is my internet so rubbish??????

    i have a wireless laptop...i think the connecion used to be good but its rubbish now its not even the connection i dunno....bascally it will only let me on certain things i cant search anything and i can only go through certain page of websites sometimes thres good days others bad anyway ive...
  14. E

    why is mt internet so rubbish?

    i have a wireless laptop...i think the connecion used to be good but its rubbish now its not even the connection i dunno....bascally it will only let me on certain things i cant search anything and i can only go through certain page of websites sometimes thres good days others bad anyway ive...
  15. S

    Oi! Who finks Corrie is a loada rubbish right now?

    That whole Steve/Becky/Liz/Lloyd malarkey is gettin RIGHT on my nerves! They're just playing it for comedy and it's about as funny as a wet weekend in Wigan! If I see that Steve McDonald geezer pull a stupid grimace one more time I'll kick my TV in, and it's a 42 inch plasma!
  16. F

    Would like as many answers as possible please guys. Rubbish?

    Hey guys, Thanks for taking the time to look! Im quite new to this yahoo answers. So be nice... Im needing some help... I have an idea which might turn out quite useful for a lot of people, so i was wondering if you could answer a few questions so i know if it is any good... Any feedback...
  17. S

    Whats the best song about having a truly rubbish life but still having...

    ...hope in the future? I just wondered if anyone knows any good songs as above?