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    Brunch-Off: Savory Ricotta & Scallion Scones And Poached Eggs With Roasted Spring Oni

    Brunch-Off: Savory Ricotta & Scallion Scones And Poached Eggs With Roasted Spring Oni Welcome to our seventh Brunch-Off, our column devoted to brunch recipes. This week's seasonal ingredient, the spring onion, is often used as a garnish. But as food bloggers Stephanie of Girl Versus Dough and...
  2. A

    why do people find it funny when they get roasted?

    Okay, when I say people, I myself am included. Reason why i ask is because a friend of mine was talking about how she finds it annoying when friends make a joke about her and she feels forced to laugh because it hits her in the feels but she doesnt wanna be the black sheep, to which i said "Why...
  3. B

    Anyone have a recipe for roasted broad beans (fava beans) from fresh beans?

    Hi all I have a nice handful of broad beans (uk name for fava beans) that Ive popped out and I was thinking of trying to make some sort of dried - oven baked snack. All the recipes Ive found on line are starting with dried beans and I dont want to dry them out to cook them up again! Does...
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    Betty White Roasted About Her Age, But She’s Had Plenty Of Good Age-Related Jokes Too

    Yesterday, a celebrity roast was held for Betty White by the Friars Club in New York City. Many Hollywood stars gathered to celebrate our favorite 90-year-old actress. And while most of the jokes were related to her age (something she proudly accepts), White has had some pretty good jokes of her...
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    Autumn Eats: Roasted Chestnuts

    Don't worry—while chestnuts roasting on an open fire might be romantic, your oven will do the job just fine. I first oven-roasted chestnuts two November's ago, to*bring as a side dish for a Thanksgiving potluck. They were so delicious—rich, nutty, savory—I wondered why I'd never considered the...
  6. C

    Anyone have a roasted corn recipe?

    I need to bring a any side dish so I thought this would be easy!! Besides, I was at Macy's having lunch and shopping and their corn was really good.. I don't know if it was fried or roasted but it had red bell peppers in it.. Tasted really good and looked festive too! I'd like a recipe that...
  7. N

    What dishes go good with roasted duck?

    On Christmas I am making turkey and duck for my family that is coming over. I am kind of wondering what type of "Christmas" dishes go good with either bird. Don't really want anything boring but would love something that would be also kid friendly. Thanks :)
  8. L

    Where can I find a recipe for roasted dog?

    Now before all of you cringe at the thought, I want to make this dinner for my in-laws who are coming over for Christmas, and they are Korean, I would like to make a traditional dish that they would enjoy. Now before all of you cringe at the thought, I want to make this dinner for my in-laws who...
  9. M

    How to cook roasted red peppers from a jar?

    The jar does not instruct whether to heat them up separately in a pan or to just toss them into pasta sauce and let simmer. I'm guessing you can just toss into anything and let simmer, or bake, but would like to know for sure. Sorry for such an air headed question. Thanks!
  10. L

    Roasted Puppy recipes?

    I'm going to culinary school to learn how to be a chef, and one of the recipes I have been assigned is Roasted Puppy. Does anyone have any tips on how to do this? Do I just go to the pet store and buy a puppy, and do I just put it in the oven while it's still alive and kicking? (like a...
  11. J

    Where can i find a recipe for roasted kitten legs, its a gourmet dish in the...

    ...Philippines? I just returned from a trip in Asia and I was treated to some local dishes. I was looking to try something new and the local guide told me to try some feline. I was against the idea at first but now that I've eaten all kinds of cats I wanna catch some of the stray cats around my...
  12. B

    I need a complementary dish to go with my Roasted leg of Lamb?

    I will roast it with traditional herbs and spices as well with some root veggies,so mash potatoes is not an option.I want something unique and original,since it is for a birthday celebration,please help?
  13. O

    has anyone ever tried eating dried roasted chickpeas as a healthy snack?

    i love them , buy them from my continental shop. has loads of protein. no fat and great snack in the morning . and 100 grms only 360 calorie thats how you do it yourself, idont put oil at all on mine...
  14. O

    has anyone ever tried eating dried roasted chickpeas as a healthy snack?

    i love them , buy them from my continental shop. has loads of protein. no fat and great snack in the morning . and 100 grms only 360 calorie thats how you do it yourself, idont put oil at all on mine...
  15. M

    is it healthier to eat nuts raw or roasted?

    i always eat nuts like almonds, walnuts, and edamame raw but i tried them roasted a couple days ago and it was really good. so im wondering which is healthier or is it the same?
  16. M

    is it healthier to eat nuts raw or roasted?

    i always eat nuts like almonds, walnuts, and edamame raw but i tried them roasted a couple days ago and it was really good. so im wondering which is healthier or is it the same?
  17. J

    What is the difference between roasted pimentos and red bell peppers?

    I have a recipe that calls for a jar of roasted red bell peppers, but all I could find at the store was a jar of roasted pimentos, will that make much of a difference?