
  1. L

    EASY Ten points!!! Is Hip hop music was blamed for the August riots?

    the article The sound of capitalism by STEVE YATES 21st September 2011 "Hip hop music was blamed for the August riots. But behind the celebration of “bling” is a culture of entrepreneurship" I need an opinion do you...
  2. A

    City of Vancouver blames NHL for riots, embarrasses itself

    </p> Think about the night of June 15, when the Boston Bruins defeated the Vancouver Canucks in Game 7 of the Stanley Cup Final. Think about the cars smoldering in the streets of the city. Think about windows being smashed and stores being looted. Think about the clashes with police. Think...
  3. S

    The riots in UK and the connection to the book of revelations, tell me more.?

    Lawlessness is breaking out all over the world in connection with the rise of the "Whore of Babylon" (occult) and the Antichrist (world leader). Everyone is going to be brought under satanic control through the mark of the beast. Nobody will be able to buy or sell without the mark. Satan is...
  4. T

    Hospitals Canceling Operations In London Because Of Riots

    Riots in London got so bad that some patients were having their scheduled operations canceled as managers ordered a lockdown to protect their premises. The National Health Service (NHS) says contingency plans have been put into practice so that casualties resulting from the civil unrest can be...
  5. G

    Sony Distribution Center Goes Up In Flames During London Riots [Video]

    At midnight, the mob rule that's descended over London and parts of the UK decided to attack the Sony distribution center in Enfield, North London, with local Tommy Thompson telling the BBC how looters stole items including "Wii consoles." More »
  6. M

    More riots in canada, why is the US media so silent?
  7. T

    Why do you sometimes here of Prison riots, and then whining about how hard they...

    ...have it in jail? Wasn't that the whole idea, punish scumbag criminals? When ever there is a prison riot should the state act like Ancient Rome and decimate the inmates.
  8. A

    Atheists, how come when Martin Luther King Jr. was killed, there were riots,

    however when Christ was crucified? & died, (resurrected, then rose to heaven) there were no riots from his followers? The Printing Press existed with Martin Luther (the Protestant). What I am getting is that Martin Luther King Jr. is not a Pope. Even more, he is not a Saint.
  9. S

    Will Obama whine and call for LA styled riots when he loses his mandate to govern... 28 days from now? I can see him now with Al Sharpton calling for widescale riots b/c they don't have any power anymore. Blacks make up 12% of the total population and will be under 11% of the population by next year. The year of the black Democrat president are long gone.
  10. D

    Explain the Zoot Suit Riots to me?

    The Zoot Suit Riots took place in Los Angeles in 1943 (43 right?). Jazz-age Mexican-American youth gangs were cleared out of Los Angeles by Marines who took to the streets and "cleaned up the city." Now, I wasn't alive in 1943 but my understanding of the Zoot Suits was that they were like todays...