
  1. A

    Were can i buy cds and dvds/blueray to resell?

    I am opening up a music and movie store and have everything set up except were to get the dvds and cds to resell. were can i go to get them??
  2. A

    Were can i buy cds and dvds/blueray to resell?

    I am opening up a music and movie store and have everything set up except were to get the dvds and cds to resell. were can i go to get them??
  3. R

    How to Gadget Resell?

    Hi! I would like to sell gadgets, branded like Samsung, Apple, Sony... etc. I would like to ask for a local supplier. I found one abroad, but the problem will the BOC here in the Philippines. May I ask how what is the best on declaring your imported good from abroad so the BOC will not...
  4. M

    Recall recap: Oops, discounters resell recalled Meijer merchandise, plus dangerous bi

    [No message]
  5. M

    pda book scanning for resell?

    I have a love for old things, especially books and cameras. During my haunts of thrift stores and whatnot, i've noticed a few people carrying pdas, scanning bar codes. From what i know, it shows the average price for the item on amazon so the person can tell whether it is a good resell value. I...
  6. C

    is it worth it to put money into a bmx bike to resell?

    i used to be heavily involved with bmx as a kid, i freaking loved it. i bought a haro f3 when i was like 12 for i think 300 bucks that was like 2004ish well the first day i had it, i put a ramp on my driveway(its at like a 45 degree angle) and rode it off of there and the whole front have...
  7. D

    I'm from UK and i sold a website, WITHOUT resell rights to a person in USA. He is

    reselling it, what can i do? i sold him a copy of the site without resell rights for $300 and now he's reselling my work for $1,500/piece. is there anything i can realistically do considering i'm in UK
  8. B

    Why iphone 4 price so high by re-sell?

    I think thats so GREED and ripoff when people buy iphone 4 for $399 with 2 years contract and then they sell it for $800, when sold, people keep the simcard in old phone. Is there any way cell phone companies can stop them by something that simcard wont work with other phone if people try sell...
  9. A

    After getting into an accident, what will be the resell value of my truck?

    i got into an accident with a tiny new, compact honda civic. My front end of the truck pretty much compacted his compact car to the front. his back end looked like i forced his car into half its size. My truck suffered axle and front end damage. I was surprised my truck wasn't totaled. If his...
  10. D

    Is it legal to buy and resell cigarettes on the street?

    I'm a college student, and I'm looking to make some extra cash on the side, but there's no way I'm going to buy and sell illegal drugs. Is it possible to buy and sell cigarettes on the streets on thursday friday and saturday nights at my college? Selling them at a buck a piece is approximately a...
  11. W

    ATT employees resell phones ?

    I was just wondering if this ever happens and where do they sell the phones. thanks
  12. U

    Resell price PSP, Ipod Touch?

    k so i have a PSP that i wanna sell, and i kinda want to get an Ipod Touch. How Much can i get for my psp?(its in REALLY good condition, 2gb memory..) Sould i get a 8G or 16G Ipod Touch? Is there gunna be a new handheld gagdet thing comin out soon? thx