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    Columbia University Medical Center Announces 2010 Katz Prizes In Cardiovascular Resea

    Columbia University Medical Center has announced the winners of the 5th annual Katz Prizes in Cardiovascular Research, with the 2010 Lewis Katz Visiting Professorship in Cardiovascular Research being awarded to an internationally renowned heart failure expert from University of Texas...
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    Stephan G. Erberich, PhD, Named Director Of Biomedical Informatics At The Saban Resea

    Stephan G. Erberich, PhD, has been appointed to the newly created position of Director of Biomedical Informatics at The Saban Research Institute of Childrens Hospital Los Angeles. In his new role, Dr. Erberich will lead the team's efforts to apply the principles of computer science and...
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    NIH Director Collins Defends Obama Administration Policy On Embryonic Stem Cell Resea

    In a letter to the editor of the Washington Post about a recent article on embryonic stem cell research, NIH Director Francis Collins writes that he is "concerned that readers might come away ... confused about what is happening" at the agency. He adds that "stem cell research is progressing...