
  1. L

    Samsung galaxy s2 rejecting calls?

    Is there a way to send a number to voicemail without blocking the number altogether?
  2. P

    My Nokia Is Rejecting My Sim Card!!!!!!!?

    i have a nokia 2700 classic and i think i tried the pin (which i forgot) too many times. and then it told me to enter the puk which i did as 12345678, it then asked me to create new pin i did 12345678 again and then it just told me that the sim card is denied!!!!!!! is this just for this sim...
  3. R

    Why is my DVD/CD drive rejecting CD's?

    My DVD/CD drive only reads CD's after i insert DVD BEFORE the CD. DVD's are some kind of "activation key"? Okay, to clear things up. I have a CD-R. I just want to do with some files on it, so I put it in the CD/DVD drive and wait for it to load, but it does not load and only releases a *wroop*...
  4. S

    Orthodox Judaism; Is the rejecting of a 1st century messiah existing only...

    ...based on Christian bias toward it? Orthodox Jewish usually will disagree with Christianity's interpretation of the 1st century Judea. But this is the question I want to ask to theistic members of Orthodox Judaism, Does Orthodoxy reject the idea of God sending a messiah based on Christian...
  5. S

    Orthodox Judaism; Is the rejecting of a 1st century messiah existing only...

    ...based on Christian bias toward it? Orthodox Jewish usually will disagree with Christianity's interpretation of the 1st century Judea. But this is the question I want to ask to theistic members of Orthodox Judaism, Does Orthodoxy reject the idea of God sending a messiah based on Christian...
  6. S

    Is this found in Bible Prophecy , Why are the Americans, Rejecting Israel's call?

    for military threat against Iran? (In the Yahoo News) Why do they need Americans to threaten Iran.......When they can do this...Israel Claims, We possess several hundred atomic warheads and rockets and can launch...
  7. A

    So your all saying you are rejecting the shed Blood of Jesus Christ and you want... go to the lake of fire? are you sure ? That's to bad, But I will take that as a Yes
  8. A

    my computer keeps rejecting blank dvd's?

    I have a mac every time i put them in it spits them out this happened with 3 different types of dvds it is a dvd drive
  9. T

    How do you think a woman feels after rejecting a guy who goes on to be a famous

    movie star? Okay, hypothetical situation. Lets say you have Paul Walker, most girls think he looks good, now lets backtrack. Say Paul Walker was not a top notch guy in high school, say he asks out a girl who turns him down and laughs him off. Now later on he blooms into this movie star. How do...
  10. S

    Is there forgiveness for rejecting Jesus Christ?

    I tried to witness to my grandfather that he needs salvation in his life by accepting Jesus, instead he made me out to be a fanatic. Is he already doomed for hell for rejecting Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit?
  11. M

    My DVD drive keeps on rejecting CD while I'm burning using NERO 9?

    I'm a Window 7 user and I'm using Nero 9 its annoyed me everytime I'm burning CDs, my laptop always rejecting it and wasted almost 10 CD, same situation when I'm burning DVD.. Please Help me everyone.. I really need to burn something, and I don't to waste my money anymore... Here's the Log...
  12. B

    my mac is rejecting my dvd's and cd's , i need advice?

    i have a mac iBook and i got it used , and it doesnt have any dvd or cd programs on it , and i looked on downloads on the apple store and i STILL didnt see anything , do u have any suggestions ?
  13. Q

    African butterfly fish rejecting crickets!?

    Yesterday i tried to feed a cricket to my African butterfly but it ended up killing it and leaving it. So today i left it to starve for about a day then dropped a cricket into the tank again. Once again it killed the cricket chewed it half way and spat it out.... What should i do? and how often...