
  1. F

    People with the lg motion or/also known as lg optimus regard?

    I'm getting the phone next week And I wanna know all the good things about it, special tricks, how you feel about it? what you love about it.. what you don't.. thanks in advance
  2. J

    Does the LG Optimus Regard use a SIM card?

    I just bought a LG Optimus Regard and noticed there was no SIM card.
  3. M

    Who was more lucky with regard to companions, Jesus Christ (AS) or Prophet...

    ...Muhammad (SAW)? Jesus Christ brought powerful miracles, he was a great speaker and he was kind and affectionate to them, but out of his 12 companions, one betrayed him and one denied him on the night he was apprehended. On the other hand, Muhammad had 10,000 companions in his wake when he...
  4. J

    Why do people regard Ron Paul as some sort of doctrine who has all the answers?

    Like, today, I heard someone say their devoted to 'Paulism'. WTF?
  5. T

    What books do Jews regard as relevant to Judaism in the Apocrypha?

    OK, I have a few questions about the way Judaism values the Apocrypha. I know that some books are valued by Jews and others are not. Would someone cite which books from the Apocrypha are relevant to Jews? I know that Macabees 1 & 2 are relevant, but are Macabees 3 & 4 considered relevant to...
  6. F

    Would you rant & rave online with no regard for another person's feelings?

    Why is it that some people turn into monsters behind the safety & anonymity of their computer screens? TOKYO: A Japanese man committed suicide live on the Internet after heated exchanges with online users daring him to die, reports said on Wednesday. A 24-year-old man in the northern city of...
  7. J

    In 2000 years do you think historians will regard Judaism/Christianity/Islam as

    separate religions, or 3 sects? ...of the same religion?
  8. K

    How long does nicotine stay in your body? In regard to a drug test.?

    Out of curiosity, how long does nicotine, or I guess, any drug stay in your body? Does it have anything to do with the body's chemicals? Like, also, what determines how long the drug stays in your body? What factors could limit or increase the time? Furthermore, biologically, how can drugs be...
  9. V

    how many religions/churches are there that regard marijuana as a wisdom weed?

    ok,i know about the rastafarians.who else?plz add source. thank you
  10. B

    hi got a problem here with regard to my samsung JET phone.?

    I cant play the YouTube videos.. "Connection to server has been lost" it always pops out to my screen after waiting for couple of minutes of the connection process.. does anyone know how to fix this problem? please.. or has it something to do with the firmware update? how will i do the update...
  11. Z

    Why is it that people regard tennis as a 'wussy' sport, and american football as...

    ...a 'manly' spor? This nonsense stereotype has gotten out of hand. I really wish it to just stop. Just because tennis has no physical contact, so noone can break each other's bones, doesn't mean it is wussy. Tennis requires skill, endurance, mental endurance, power, spin, accuracy...
  12. J

    How does Jesus regard Judaism and especially the Law of Moses? In what ways

    does he claim that his teachings..? complete or perfect, the Law of Moses?
  13. L

    Question on zinc copper and iron with regard to nutrition?

    How much supplemental zinc can be taken before supplemental copper is required? At over 150 mg of supplemental zinc per day is it even possible to absorb supplemental copper? In other words does there come a point above which zinc supplementation negates the usefulness of copper supplementation...
  14. L

    Question on zinc copper and iron with regard to nutrition?

    How much supplemental zinc can be taken before supplemental copper is required? At over 150 mg of supplemental zinc per day is it even possible to absorb supplemental copper? In other words does there come a point above which zinc supplementation negates the usefulness of copper supplementation...
  15. C

    What is the difference between a satellite and a probe with regard to orbital...

    ...velocity and escape velocity? it's juss part of my homework.
  16. S

    How might the internet change in the next decade in regard to citizen...

    ...participation in government? Thanks so much for everyones answers Answer mine & ill answer yours C=
  17. H

    Question regard paramedics?

    what do you need to became a paramedic ? what the job include ? what are the special aims a paramedic should have ? thanks
  18. A

    In regard to the Victorian Bush Fire Appeal (Aus) what will the donations do, go...

    ...towards for the victims? Do, allow, enable, et cetera for the victims? Those without insurance, and also those, who have insurance? If accurate, each adult victim will receive $1000, and each child victim will receive $400 from the Federal Government (if correct?) Unless I mis-heard.
  19. A

    Is there a difference in speed with regard to Mobile Internet Browsers?

    I have a Blackberry Pearl 8110 and was wondering if there's much of a difference between the factory installed browser vs. the ones offered by Microsoft and Firefox. What are the differences, is one faster than another? Any recomendations are appreciated. Thanks, ~Alex.
  20. A

    With regard to YA's Politics Section, why are so many liberals allowed to...

    ...maintain multiple accounts? For example, "Brown950" has at least 4 accounts and he is a rabid leftist.