raw or cooked

  1. E

    Can Leopard Geckos eat raw/cooked chicken breast?

    I have several Leopard geckos & was wondering (please don't judge me for this weird/maybe stupid question) if they can eat raw or cooked chicken breast in place of the crickets I buy every week? I was thinking I'd cut the chicken to a meal worm sized slices & dust the chicken rather than the...
  2. E

    Can Leopard Geckos eat raw/cooked chicken breast?

    I have several Leopard geckos & was wondering (please don't judge me for this weird/maybe stupid question) if they can eat raw or cooked chicken breast in place of the crickets I buy every week? I was thinking I'd cut the chicken to a meal worm sized slices & dust the chicken rather than the...
  3. F

    Betta Fish. Can I feed my fish raw/cooked meat that we would usually

    eat, or is there a kind that is better? I would like to feed my Betta fish some home food things, so I'm wondering what would be a good choice of meats or something else to feed it, and how would I prepare them.