
  1. H

    Can detergent kill rabies?

    Alright let's say there's rabies saliva everywhere on the floor of someone's house..Can detergent used for mopping kill the virus instantly if he goes around mopping around the whole house?..This is just a curious question
  2. G

    I don't know if my cat might have rabies; please help, I'm really scared. ?

    My cat is 8 years old and I'm not sure whether he has rabies or not. We let him outside but only in our yard, but he attempts to escape (and succeeds) quite often. Today in the middle of the night I woke up to find him in my bed chewing and sucking on my pajama pants, and he started to get...
  3. J

    when should i get my dogs rabies injection?

    hello i have a 7month old jack russell i want to hunt with him but first i would like him to get a rabies injection just incase. I live in the uk how much would it cost roughly and how often does he get it and is it jus one injection or is it in steps
  4. J

    when should i get my dogs rabies injection?

    hello i have a 7month old jack russell i want to hunt with him but first i would like him to get a rabies injection just incase. I live in the uk how much would it cost roughly and how often does he get it and is it jus one injection or is it in steps
  5. E

    Do you still need to get a rabies shot after you've been bitten by a dog

    who has had the rabies vaccine? A rabies shot given AFTER a bite has 5 vaccinations, over the course of over 2 weeks. If the dog that bit you has had the rabies vaccination, do you still need to get the shot?
  6. S

    I'm getting a new kitten which isn't old enought to get a rabies vaccine...

    ...yet, but i have dogs.? should i wait to get the kitten untill its old enough to get the vaccine?! can cats give dogs rabies? my dogs are up to date on their vaccines but i dont want anything to happen to my dogs...
  7. J

    my dogs rabies shot expired, and vet was closed today?

    how long can you wait until you get your rabies shot, because i get my at pet smart and their open on Sunday and today for some reason they were closed today, so i have to wait until next weekend, will this be okay? or do i have to find another place? thank you!
  8. I

    Why is my cat sneezing so much after receiving his rabies and temperment shots?

    My cat is 2 and a half years old and he got his renewal shots on Tuesday. Since then he has been sneezing quite a bit. Last night he really sneezed. The woman at the clinic warned us about this saying if he sneezes alot it coudl be a upper respiratory infection. Why would shots give him an...
  9. S

    What effect does 2 rabies shots have on a puppy?

    I took my pup to a shelter to have her spayed and showed all her paperwork and vaccinations and she was current but they gave her another rabies shot and she just had one last month. She seems fine right now (still waiting for the grogginess from the surgery to wear out). But I am very worried...
  10. C

    PLEASE HELP. Can you look up pet owner info if you have a rabies vacination tag?

    I was walking my dogs earlier and a small dog ran up to us. I knocked door to door trying to find the owner but had no luck. The dog has a rabies vaccination tag but animal care and control is closed. Is it possible to find the owner with the dogs registration number. I mean is there a website...
  11. L

    scared of rabies after watching videos....?

    im really scared of rabies.. i just saw some youtube videos, and questions about rabies, and now i feel sick.. i wanted to be a vet when i grow up, but what if i get bitten by a dog or cat with rabies, and die... what if i have rabies!
  12. A

    Are rabies yearly rabies shots necessary?

    Before you type your opinion, go read both sides of the story and mention only facts. I live in California and they are still yearly here, I know in 30+ states it's every 3 years. What can I do when I have to take both my boxers for the yearly shots if it's a proven fact that the rabies shots...
  13. A

    How do I get rabies shots? Please help!?

    Ok HI aim 13 and supe aranoid, but read this first, and sorry its so long!:http://ca.answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=ApBLJRRV3kgo.rk.dXmybAHAFQx.;_ylv=3?qid=20090214161927AAMrEz6 Yeah so i think i may have rabies. I want shots but i dont know how to get them, my om wont take me she thinks...
  14. D

    if somthing bites u with rabies in the anti rabies process?

    so i was just in the process of anti rabies cause this dog bit me with rabies and this cute little bear cat hat sharp claws and when it climed on me it scratcheed me so i was wondering if i had to redue the anti rabies process *also i just had at around ten shots so my next follow up is around...
  15. I

    PLEASE HELP! Do I have rabies?

    *This question is for educated and polite people only. I was playing with my puppy (9 week old shih tzu), and he bit my finger (not hard though). When my finger was still in his mouth, I pulled it out really fast. His tooth scratched my finger, and I bled. My puppy only had 2 distemper parvo...
  16. G

    why do dogs with rabies die after they bite?

    according to them if the dog affected with rabies, once they bite a human , they slowly die... how true is it? and why is it so?