
  1. P

    Does anyone have a recipe for ackee & salt fish quiche?

    or an any unusual recipes using jamaican ingredients
  2. G

    New Recipe for Quiche Moraine

    Quiche Moraine has a new look, but hopefully the same feel. We liked our old look but it was not working for a lot of our readers. So, we have dropped the Magazine Format and gone to a minimalistic bloggy format. I'd love to know what you think of it. Also, Stephanie Zvan has a new post...
  3. M

    Can someone give me an Easy Simple recipe to make Quiche?

    I want to make a cheese and brocolli quiche. I do not want any wine or anything with meat/chicken in there please because it needs to be non alcoholic and a kind of a vegetarian meal. Can u please give me the ingredients, method, and the timings. Thanks XD
  4. G

    The Best of Quiche: The posts I liked the most

    ... in inverse relation to how much they got read. In other words, for some reason, you missed these and you shouldn't have. Now is your chance to catch up. There's only two. Read the rest of this post... | Read the comments on this post... More...
  5. G

    The Best of Quiche: Political Rants

    You know I'm reviewing my QM blogging. Time for some rants. Read the rest of this post... | Read the comments on this post... More...
  6. G

    The Best of Quiche: My Journey Through Race and Racism

    When I was a kid, everyone in my neighborhood was divided into categories along three dimensions. There were color differences (light vs. dark hair and skin), there was the Catholic vs. Protestant divide, and there was the binary distinction of whether or not your dad served in World War II. In...
  7. G

    The Best of Quiche: Now for a little fine dining.

    In the continuing series recycling highlighting selected posts from the Quiche Moraine Blog, may I recommend a bite to eat .... Read the rest of this post... | Read the comments on this post... More...
  8. G

    The Best of Quiche: Let's start with some music.

    Sort of. Read the rest of this post... | Read the comments on this post... More...
  9. G

    Happy Anniversary Quiche Moraine

    Quiche Moraine, The Blog, started up in mid Janurary, but it was around this time last year that we announced its existence and had our first party in its honor. We have produced 264 posts and had almost 2,000 comments. Please stop over and read all of our posts. Read the comments on this...
  10. R

    Need a quiche recipe?

    this recipe uses sliced bread - cubed eggs, milk, sausage, cheese I haven't made it in a long time, it's very good.
  11. M

    I am making a quiche. How can I tell when it's done? Will the knife definitely be

    clean? I'm using tofu instead of eggs if that helps. It's really thick, I'm worried it's not going to bake. The top is brownish/golden, and it's not jiggly, but the inside is definitely wet.