
  1. B

    I'm going to buy an iPad, a queation about the apps?

    I'm getting myself an iPad when its coming out again this year. I own an Ipod touch 4G already. Will my ipod touch apps work on the ipad. and if so, wil the quality still be the same. eg. I have angry birds installed from itunes, if i put this on my ipad, will it work fine, retain its quality...
  2. Y

    Turbocharger queation?

    So the question I have is, instead of tapping my oil pan when setting up a turbo would it be possible to hook the turbo up to it's own seperate oil reservoir?
  3. L

    Queation about coughing baby?

    My daughter is 8 Months old. She had croup 7 days ago and has had a runny nose for around 3 weeks. She started with a normal cough about 2 days ago and has tonight coughed so bad she made her self VERY VERY sick. she has also coughed up a little mucas, not sure what colour it was it just looked...