
  1. R

    Who else thinks Randy Quaid should be deported?

    This whole fiasco is sick, he either wants a reality show, or is totally nuts. He needs to go back to California and face the music. I am so tired of these celebrities that constantly run from the law.
  2. T

    After Close Call, Actor Dennis Quaid Takes On Medical Mistakes

    USA Today: After nearly losing twin newborns to a medical mistake - adult doses of blood thinners were given to the infants - actor Dennis Quaid has taken up the cause of shedding light on the often invisible issues surrounding patient safety. "Quaid has become the self-described 'frontman' for...
  3. T

    After Close Call, Actor Dennis Quaid Takes On Medical Mistakes

    USA Today: After nearly losing twin newborns to a medical mistake - adult doses of blood thinners were given to the infants - actor Dennis Quaid has taken up the cause of shedding light on the often invisible issues surrounding patient safety. "Quaid has become the self-described 'frontman' for...
  4. T

    After Close Call, Actor Dennis Quaid Takes On Medical Mistakes

    USA Today: After nearly losing twin newborns to a medical mistake - adult doses of blood thinners were given to the infants - actor Dennis Quaid has taken up the cause of shedding light on the often invisible issues surrounding patient safety. "Quaid has become the self-described 'frontman' for...
  5. M

    What movies have Denis Quaid starred in?

    i went to see gi-joe yesterday and he was in it as you probably know but he is in another movie and his name is duke in it to but i cant remember it and it is bugging me to death so please help!!!!