
  1. M

    I have a travel agency in Nepal, I am searching how can I make it more publicity...

    ...besides website? I want to make my business more advertised and more network with the people. How can it be possible?
  2. A

    Will the publicity from the NRA 500 be a detriment or benefit to NASCAR?

    That Eddie Gossage sure is one hell of a promoter. The outspoken, gregarious (and conservative) Texas Motor Speedway president got his track's spring race a whole heck of a lot of publicity at TMS's media day on Monday when it was announced that the NRA would replace Samsung Mobile as the...
  3. D

    Why are women getting such Publicity just for sleeping with higher profile...

    ...Male Celebrities? I can't figure this stuff out. Tiger Woods chicks. Charlie Sheens chicks Amber Rose. Those chicks on the Basketball, Baseball, Football Wives. They're getting paid for opening their legs wtf?!
  4. E

    How is global terrorism bad publicity for the whine industry?

    Watch MMA UFC ultimate fighting live on the internet, what site is best? Watch MMA UFC ultimate fighting live on the internet, what site is best?
  5. C

    How do I get more publicity for a YouTube video?

    ( Also is there anyway I can make this video better, add or take stuff out?
  6. H

    celebrities doing charity work? is it to get publicity.?

    voice your opinions in an open debate. kilomanjaro << publicity stunt or were they truely caring? adopting children eg: brad and angelina >> to get publicity?
  7. H

    celebrities doing charity work? is it to get publicity.?

    voice your opinions in an open debate. kilomanjaro << publicity stunt or were they truely caring? adopting children eg: brad and angelina >> to get publicity?
  8. S

    Is this a publicity stunt by Jordan because Jade is receiving more?

    I find it incredible that Jordan would 'suddenly' announce to the media that she was 'abused' in a park when she was 6 years old. Is she perhaps jealous of all the media attention Jade Goody is receiving at the moment or is she truly a spokesperson for 'abused children'?
  9. J

    Jade Goody will nit die. It is all a publicity stunt.?
