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    New Genes Discovered That Contribute To Autism: Links To Psychiatric Disorders

    A new approach to investigating hard-to-find chromosomal abnormalities has identified 33 genes associated with autism and related disorders, 22 for the first time. Several of these genes also appear to be altered in different ways in individuals with psychiatric disorders such as schizophrenia...
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    Foster Kids Get More Psychiatric Drugs

    A Government Accountability Report released this Thursday showed America's foster children being prescribed powerful psychotropic drugs, at doses beyond what the Food and Drug Administration has approved. At a congressional hearing the same day, Thursday saw lawmakers discussing both the...
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    I'm told a bed has just become available on the psychiatric ward?

    Which R&S Member do you think is most in need of it?
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    Major Increase In Hospitalization Rates For Children With Psychiatric Disorders

    Short-stay inpatient hospitalizations for children and adolescents with a psychiatric diagnosis increased significantly over a 12-year period (1996 to 2007) and decreased for the elderly, according to a report in the early online edition in Archives of General Psychiatry by Joseph C. Blader...
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    how does psychiatric drugs affect your sex life?

    does it make you impotent and if so how?
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    Analysis Of Longer-Term Clinical Study Suggests Psychiatric Hospitalization Rates Dec

    Schizophrenia is a chronic and disabling brain disorder that affects 1 percent of the U.S. population and results in substantial medical and societal costs, in particular from use of health-care resources. It also can have devastating health-related and social effects on people with the disease...
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    christians: does it irk you the psychiatric community classifies you all as...

    ...delusional? the psychiatrist and philosopher Karl Jaspers was the first to define the three main criteria for a belief to be considered delusional in his 1917 book General Psychopathology. These criteria are: * certainty (held with absolute conviction) * incorrigibility (not...
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    Was this psychiatric nurse wrong to laugh at my daughter?

    If we go there because she is sick, I know she is not herself. She tells me there is nothing wrong with her and that I am a bad influence on her and a bad parent because that is what my daughter believed at the time. If my daughter who is now recovered tells her she feels weird and is having...
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    What jobs could I start off with in a psychiatric hospital? I'm 18 & interested in

    What jobs could I start off with in a psychiatric hospital? I'm 18 & interested in psychology? I graduated from high school last year and in my first year college so I don't have a degree or any experience that could get me a job as a psychologist or anything like that, but what kind of jobs...
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    The Influence Of Psychiatric Comorbidities And Sexual Trauma On Lower Urinary Tract S - Psychosocial conditions including depression, anxiety disorders and sexual trauma have been identified as risk factors for overactive bladder and incontinence. Could psychosocial factors and emotional influences play a role in the production or perception of lower urinary tract...
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    working in a psychiatric hospital?

    1) If anyone have ever been in a psychiatric hospital, could you please tell me what it was like, meaning your day to day life? 2) I am asking this because I am interested in studying occupational therapy, but I would like to know : -how the patients in the hospital found the therapy -how the...