
  1. H

    Pleasee need big help on proofs!!! quiz!?

    Im taking an open book open note open everything..on math and I cannot figure out this proof please help! i need it to be real correct bc my grade is depending on it! ha thanks youuu:) 1.)<axb?<cxd 2.)m<axb=m<cxd 3.)m<bxc=m<bxc 4.)m<axb+m<bxc=m<cxd+m<bxc 5.)m<axb+m<bxc=m<axc 6.)m<cxd+m<bxc=m<bxd...
  2. S

    Is not fulfilled prophecy is one of the great proofs of the Bible’s trustworthiness?

    Does any other book even compare with the Bible? It was written over a 1,400-year time span, not just by a single author, but nearly forty, from all walks of life, on 3 different continents, in 3 different languages – yet the central message remains consistent throughout! Thousands of very old...
  3. F

    Shroud of Turn, Christians, one of the best proofs of Christ?

    Hey brothers and sisters in Christ who have the guts to post here, ever study the Shroud of Turin? Totally cool story with great scientific work. The 3D images of our Living God is awesome! Christ is risen! And He is coming again, to your local earth for us...
  4. A

    Please give me proofs and evidences that Jesus and God are one.?

    You see, I have a muslim friend. And she said Jesus is just a prophet but she doesn't have so many evidences and proofs. But I tried to tell her that they are the same. But it's so hard to explain it. Can you please right the evidences and proofs.
  5. C

    I find the demands for proofs of God interesting. Is it possible that only...

    ...some would have proof by encounter? That is, assume for a moment that there are many Christians who would say, "I know that God exists because I have had an encounter with God." (Indeed, I've met many USA Christians who say they know God from their daily experience.) Now certainly it is...