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    Risk For Pediatric ALL Likely Increases With Prolonged Formula Feeding, Delay In Soli

    Results of one study indicate that the risk for developing pediatric acute lymphoblastic leukemia increased the longer a baby was fed formula and the longer solid foods were delayed. "For every month that a child was fed formula, taking into account other feeding practices, we found that the...
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    Prolonged Sitting Raises Risk Of Type 2 Diabetes, Heart Disease, Death

    Sitting around for long periods raises the risk of developing type 2 diabetes, heart disease and premature death, even for people who have the amount of daily physical activity recommended by health professionals. These were the conclusions of a large piece of research covering nearly...
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    Brain Tumor Eradication And Prolonged Survival

    Tocagen Inc. has announced the publication of data showing the company's investigational treatment for high grade glioma eradicates brain tumors and provides a dramatic survival benefit in mouse models of glioblastoma. Almost all mice receiving the top dose of Toca 511 followed by 5-FC were...
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    Christians: Is it a sin to fumigate the church to kill bugs, if prolonged...

    ...fumigation could cause damage inside? Can we fumigate a church to kill bugs on occasion, even though prolonged exposure could damage the walls and case need of repair? Can we overheat the church to try and melt ice and snow off the roof even though it may be hard on the furnace and require...
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    Prolonged Immigration Detention Puts Detainees At Higher Risk Of Mental Illness

    Asylum seekers and other detainees who are held in Australian immigration detention centres for long periods of time are more likely to require medical attention for mental health problems than those detained for a shorter time, according to the results of research published in the Medical...
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    Prolonged Immigration Detention Puts Detainees At Higher Risk Of Mental Illness

    Asylum seekers and other detainees who are held in Australian immigration detention centres for long periods of time are more likely to require medical attention for mental health problems than those detained for a shorter time, according to the results of research published in the Medical...
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    Prolonged Immigration Detention Puts Detainees At Higher Risk Of Mental Illness

    Asylum seekers and other detainees who are held in Australian immigration detention centres for long periods of time are more likely to require medical attention for mental health problems than those detained for a shorter time, according to the results of research published in the Medical...
  8. A

    Jeep engine sputters after prolonged winching; vapor lock or over burden on...

    ...the electrical sys? 1997 wrangler 4.0L sport 12.5K winch 2 pairs of Aux lights(I usesually turn them off during winching) I assume I have the factory alternator. After a hard winching the motor will sit and sputter if I apply any gas Idle is fine, but if I try to go any where it sputters I...
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    Anemia & prolonged period on birth control. Should I see the doctor?

    I have iron deficiency anemia, and recently started taking birth control (Yaz) to lighten my period, among other things. I took my first pill 11 days ago on the first day of my period, and my period just hasn't stopped. Usually it lasts about 5 days. I know it's normal to have a long period the...