
  1. S

    Herbal Care Products Treatment for Rectal Prolapse

    In the treatment of rectal prolapse treating the symptoms of constipation and straining alone does not cure the condition. However significant reduction occurs by adopting the techniques of correct posture, use of dietary fibers and stool softeners. Congestion, edema or ulcerations can be...
  2. B

    Rectal Prolapse Symptoms, Definition, Causes, treatment

    Rectal prolapse normally describes a medical condition wherein the walls of the rectum protrude through the anus and hence become visible outside the body. Quick Facts Happens due to tissues lining the rectum slip into or get stuck to the anal opening Tested and identified through...
  3. C

    Can Anal prolapse kill you? (aka Pink Sock)?

    Im not sure this belongs in the womens, but I guess this would mostly happen to women. Can Anal prolapse kill you? Or what are the effects of anal prolapse? Any long term, immediate? Please tell me!!!!
  4. A

    Can you out-grow Mitral Valve Prolapse?!?

    i am 25yrs old. female. healthy. at age 13 i was diagnosed with MVP- and my main symptoms have been occasional palpitations, fatigue, sinus tachycardia- nothing major really. i just had my 2nd echo in 4 years and was told and shown that my mitral valve has NO prolapse. i saw it with my own...