
  1. T

    Pre-workout supplements leading to high blood pressure?

    Today at school we got out blood pressure taken and mine was at 150/70, so I was wondering if maybe my pre-workout was causing this. I use Muscle Pharm Assault before every workout and I find that it gives me a good boost and focus but I definitely get a knocking sound in my head (high blood...
  2. G

    GNC Wheybolic Extreme 60 Ripped. Is this a preworkout?

    I dont take preworkouts specifically because of the way they make me feel. They make me feel too shaky and I can feel my heart rate going crazy and can feel my heart flutter. I have an RBBB (right bundle branch block) in my heart and have had passed problems with it so I have been advised to...
  3. J

    TEEN BODYBUILDING: Preworkout Supplements?? Yes or NO?? C4 and M5?

    Hi i'm 16 but a late bloomer , on the skinny side but trying to bulk up for the summer, I work out 2-3 times a week (usually 2 because of my laziness), and i run 2 times a week. I try to incorporate 2-3 monster sets in each workout but the rest of my workout would be just regular sets. I have...
  4. J

    What is the best pre-workout supplement for women?

    So I have been taking a pre-workout supplement for about two years now and my wife she really wants to start taking a pre-workout supplement drink but she does not want to take one for females and also because they work so good. So my question is what is the best pre-workout supplement for women...
  5. B

    Better pre-workout supplement: GNC's C4 or Jack3d?

    GNC was nice enough to give me a free sample after i spent almost $100. What is better??/ is there anything else that's better?
  6. J

    GNC Ravage pre-workout does it compare to other pre-workout drinks?

    So I've tried Jack3d, Blackpowder, PPN Gunpowder, SSNJ Juice, and now this GNC brand suppliment. I haven't opened it yet because I am skepticle if it is a rip off or not..I went in three GNC stores and each place warned me this stuff is more potent and ONLY for extreme body builders than...
  7. A

    pre-workout energizer?

    anybody have any suggestions for a pre-workout energizer for those sluggish mornings at the gym? I was looking into liquid amp'd but i wanna get some feedback on that and other products...any suggestions?