
  1. V

    Preteen Adrian Rodriguez Attempted Suicide After Bullying

    [No message]
  2. T

    Is Molokai a good place to take a vacation with pre-teen kids?

    My kids love the sand and the beach, and my wife I like quiet, laid-back places. I've been to Maui, Kauai, and the Big Island, but we are interested in checking out Molokia.
  3. M

    what to do if you want more juicy gossip in your preteen life?

    hi, im a preteen and i live for gossip. im a model and i love sleezy, juicy, smochy, gossip! i like to get the dirt on people and i love to get revenge on people and gossip helps me.
  4. M

    what to do if you want more juicy gossip in your preteen life?

    hi, im a preteen and i live for gossip. im a model and i love sleezy, juicy, smochy, gossip! i like to get the dirt on people and i love to get revenge on people and gossip helps me.
  5. L

    Good books for a pre-teen?

    i like all types of books as long as there non-fiction. my teachers all ways say im ahead in reading so i doesn't really matter what age group the books in.
  6. L

    Good books for a pre-teen?

    i like all types of books as long as there non-fiction. my teachers all ways say im ahead in reading so i doesn't really matter what age group the books in.
  7. S

    I'm looking for a book series that I read when I was a pre-teen?

    Remember the Animorphs books? Well, the series that I'm looking for is for the same age group. It was about the the end of the world and a few lucky people who were chosen to be saved by sending them to another planet. Some of these people were the white male protangonist, an Asian (I think)...
  8. C

    Is Molokai a good place to take a vacation with pre-teen kids?

    My kids love the sand and the beach, and my wife I like quiet, laid-back places. I've been to Maui, Kauai, and the Big Island, but we are interested in checking out Molokia.
  9. D

    Help with Advanced Preteen chat?! FAST would be nice?

    ok so i've been going to that site for like 3 days but on the 4th it won't load like the log in screen! What do i do?
  10. D

    Help with Advanced Preteen chat?! FAST would be nice?

    ok so i've been going to that site for like 3 days but on the 4th it won't load like the log in screen! What do i do?
  11. W

    Writing a pre-teen short (scary) story... critique the beginning?

    The beginning isn't scary at all. It is just letting the reader get to know the character. I don't know if that's a bad thing or not. Anyway, here it is: “Riley Alexander Quinn! I don’t care if you have to go to school half dressed. If you aren't out the door in less than ten minutes I am going...
  12. S

    Young teen or preteen romance movies?

    What are some good movies about young teens or like 12 year olds or something like you know, for example like Anne Frank and Peter the Anne Frank movies? Thanks.