
  1. T

    Researchers Find That Increased Independence For Nurse Practitioners Does Not Reduce

    Researchers from the Department of Health Policy in the GW School of Public Health and Health Services have found that an increased "scope of practice" for advanced practice nurse practitioners is not associated with lower wages for primary care physicians, based on comparisons in states with...
  2. K

    Traditional Karate practitioners & instructors: When did you begin engaging in

    kumite? At what point/ kyu rank did you and/or your students begin practicing ippon, sanbon, kiso, and jiyu kumite? What style do you practice? Thanks!
  3. J

    Why are traditional martial arts practitioners so over-sensitive?

    A guy here on Yahoo Answers asked for advice in regards to which two martial arts he should combine. I gave him an honest answer - if you want to practice two effective styles, go with Muay Thai and BJJ. I also told him that there's no substitute for these two styles when it comes to (what I...
  4. G

    Karate Practitioners - Advice on which style?

    I am currently studying Wado-Ryu. But I chose this style as there is a club very close by with a good instructor. I am now considering if it was the best choice for me. In terms of what I am trying to achieve it is really just learning a martial art, learning the knowledge, enjoying myself...
  5. T

    Frontline HIV Practitioners Respond To The National HIV/AIDS Strategy

    The American Academy of HIV Medicine (AAHIVM) applauded the first-ever National HIV/AIDS Strategy, acknowledging the enormous effort and dedication by the executive branch, Jeffrey Crowley, Director of the Office of National AIDS Policy, and his staff. "We hope the National Strategy will have...
  6. T

    Royal College Of General Practitioners Launches UK-Wide Manifesto For Patient Care

    The Royal College of General Practitioners publishes its UK-wide manifesto outlining some recommendations for the future of high quality care for patients, for whichever party is elected following this year's general election. Leading the Way: High Quality Care For All Through General Practice...
  7. T

    Royal College Of General Practitioners Launches UK-Wide Manifesto For Patient Care

    The Royal College of General Practitioners publishes its UK-wide manifesto outlining some recommendations for the future of high quality care for patients, for whichever party is elected following this year's general election. Leading the Way: High Quality Care For All Through General Practice...
  8. T

    Alzheimer's Test That Can Be Administered In Family Practitioners' Offices Offers Bet

    Early detection is key to more effective treatment for Alzheimer's disease and other forms of cognitive impairment, and new research shows that a test developed at the University of Tennessee is more than 95 percent effective in detecting cognitive abnormalities associated with these diseases...
  9. T

    Nursing Workforce Issues: An Expanded Role For Nurse Practitioners, Calif. Doctors Su

    News outlets report on nursing workforce issues, including a push for an expanded role for nurse practitioners, supervision of nurse anesthetists and a trend toward delayed retirement. "Nursing leaders say large numbers of [nurse] practitioners ... will be needed to fill gaps in primary care...
  10. T

    Information Field Theory Enables Astronomers, Medical Practitioners And Geologists To

    A bit of imagination on the part of a measuring instrument wouldn't be a bad thing. It could help to add data from areas where the instrument is unable to measure. However, it must do so constructively. More...
  11. S

    Why do a lot of visible Wing Chun practitioners flurry/chainpunch so much?

    Hey people. Here's another martial arts question for you. From a number of visible Wing Chun practitioners that I see both on the internet and in my kwoon (school), I see that when they do applications... they do the weird two-dozen-in-a-row chain punch combos. Practically, in a real fight...
  12. N

    how much money do Nurse Practitioners in the ICU make?

    and wat is the difference between them and a doctor or a registered nurse?