
  1. H

    For years i have been catholic but not practising , i am now interested in...

    ...finding my faith, where do i start? Do i need to be baptized by my local priest or anything ? @ Blake, is there any need for that kind of talk ? really ? I was baptized when i was a baby , i was raised in a catholic family i just never bothered going to mass for years .
  2. J

    as judaism has such set rules and values as a practising jew is it ever

    find it restrictive or confusing? from the point of view that there are certain things that you would like to do but cant( whether this be due to jewish rules and values or if you find yourself in a position where you want to eat or drink something somewhere but cant) or find that even you find...
  3. B

    Is it roswell all over again or is DC and GOV just practising for another

    9-11-2001 event? experts say smoke? Smoke from a airplane!!!!! indeed..........what do you think? do you believe the GOv experts? it was no contrail from a airplane...
  4. G

    Religion - Not a practising...?

    When people say they are of ABC religion but aren't practising, how does that fit in with the church/Mosque? Can you be a non-practising muslim, Jew or Catholic and still go to heaven? BTW - I'm Atheist.