
  1. J

    Why mass ppls so easily believe in Ice Age? but not Global flood? The water

    reached higher than the Mountains!? My Sources? is (Hebrew Bible) Bible
  2. S

    Ppls please look at this!!?

    Ok if you have a wii go on Animal Crossings then go out! Or you can open your gate!! Please do this!! Its my friends and I frist time doing this!!! Plz do this and post on what your doing!!
  3. E

    How do you deal with a dad whos totally against gay/bi ppls? i want to

    come out to him but he hats gays? im afraid ill get disowned or hit (hes hit me b4 and knocked me out) but i really want to tell him to just have his acceptance! but he'll never accept me for what i am so should i still tell him? (pls no rude remarks at my dad....he was raised real old...