
  1. A

    What can you do if u accidentally poured motor oil in the ATF compartment of BMW?

    BMW 325i 2003 It's my aunt's car. I'm so screwed!!
  2. B

    Did you like when Horton poured water from the Garden Ice onto the Rogers Arena ice?

    I did, lol! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bN5CBJuTNeU
  3. M

    Silent Witness - would Harry really have poured petrol on his victim and

    set fire to him....? ..... even as a revenge for the death of Anna? He's a doctor after all. If the theory about him doing a switch and walking away is correct - I guess we'll know tonight LOL
  4. G

    In cooking class I poured cake ingredients down a girl's kilt to get her attention?

    Hi okay so there is this girl in my cooking class who is really really pretty and she like never looks at me and wont talk to me and called me a creep once. One day i was holding this mixing bowl that i was making a cake in and all of a sudden before i knew what, i was like pulling her kilt back...
  5. J

    heritage softaail sat for a year. when I cranked, oil poured out of the vent tube

    of the breather. Is this a? one time thing or will I have to relace the check valve ball?
  6. K

    Dish washing liquid poured all over my toy poodle.?

    we immediately washed all over him with shampoo. If it went in his eyes, is he okay? and if it is in his eyes, what would he be doing with his eyeS? o:
  7. K

    OLTL Did anyone else see Vickie laugh when david poured water on dorian?

    i also thought it was cute when starr was crying and james woke up and said "are there onions in here? because you are not crying over me!"
  8. D

    will sugar wixed with water and then poured into a gas tank ruin a motor

    on a 2004 chevrolet impala? i just really need to no
  9. D

    will sugar wixed with water and then poured into a gas tank ruin a motor

    on a 2004 chevrolet impala? i just really need to no
  10. R

    Jordan poured 20 liters of water into an empty fish tank.If 5/6 of the fish tank was

    filled,find the capacity? find the capacity of tank. Pls explain procedure.
  11. N

    i accidentally poured antifreeze in the place where you should put oil in my truck?

    now i have antifreeze and oil mixed, can i drive it and take it to go get oil change or will i damage my vehicle if i drive it??