
  1. A

    Thanksgiving Potluck? 9 Healthy, Last-Minute Recipes (That Will Impress Your Foodie F

    Potlucks are great (especially on holidays) because you're only responsible for a little piece of the dinner puzzle -- though this makes it easier to leave things to the last minute (or the kindness of the prepared foods section at your local grocery store). And potlucks also bring the*pressure...
  2. G

    Fruit Salad Recipe for a Potluck of 18?

    My boss has decided to go in a new direction with a meeting coming up and so we're having a potluck. She made one of my coworkers in charge of making sure everyone brought something and when she asked me she told me she needed to know NOW. I said spinach dip and pumpernickel bread but someone...
  3. N

    What are some good potluck dinner recipes?

    This is the first potluck I'm going to so I want to make an excellent dinner. Any suggestions on your favourites? Thanks!
  4. C

    need a good casserole or slow cooker recipe for a potluck...?

    No mac-n-cheese please...or pulled any kind of beef... something different and really tasty... Thnanks
  5. C

    What's your favorite pot-luck dish to pass?

    Toinght I'm bringing apple pie and crescent rolls, but I really wish I had a container for baked ziti. Maybe some one else will bring it! What do you like to bring? If you've got a great recipe, feel free to share!
  6. C

    What's your favorite pot-luck dish to pass?

    Toinght I'm bringing apple pie and crescent rolls, but I really wish I had a container for baked ziti. Maybe some one else will bring it! What do you like to bring? If you've got a great recipe, feel free to share!
  7. R

    Ideas for a vegan potluck main dish?

    I need something that would travel well and taste good after being reheated. No chili. I refuse to carry a pot of chili while wearing a dress and heels. I have lots of ideas for appetizers, but I don't know what a good main dish would be. This is for an omni crowd. Vegetarian recipes are fine, I...
  8. A

    Host a Food, Inc. Potluck and We'll Put You on Blisstree!

    Warm spring weather signals the season for BBQs, picnics, and big Spring suppers, and PBS is giving us a great way to kick it off: On April 21, they’ll be airing last year’s Oscar-nominated documentary Food, Inc., and they’re encouraging viewers to host Food, Inc. potlucks! On the night of...
  9. M

    HELP!!! Potluck Dish Crisis!!!?

    Hi, I am attending a potluck and need to bring a dish. The potluck is being held outside so I can't use a slow cooker or rice cooker. But unfortunately my kitchen is being remolded so my usual treats are out of the question. I'm looking for some ideas that I can make for the potluck, without...
  10. M

    Potluck recipe idea - traveling 2 hours in car?

    I am going to an appetizer/lunch potluck. We will be traveling by car 2 1/2 hours. Do you have any good ideas, recipes that will travel well in the car and will be safe temperature wise? I can take a cooler. I don't have any thing to keep it hot while traveling in the car, but I will have...
  11. M

    Potluck recipe idea - traveling 2 hours in car?

    I am going to an appetizer/lunch potluck. We will be traveling by car 2 1/2 hours. Do you have any good ideas, recipes that will travel well in the car and will be safe temperature wise? I can take a cooler. I don't have any thing to keep it hot while traveling in the car, but I will have...
  12. S

    Potluck Veg Side Dish Suggestion?

    This is for our "Not Back To School" (but home schooling) Party, which consists of a bunch of kids. I have some great ideas that my kids like and that other adults are willing to try (either spicy or just plain full of flavor), but am thinking I need something more mellow, yet intriguing for...
  13. J

    Main dish for potluck, cannot be kept hot or cold...?

    We're having a potluck at an outdoor group event with no electric outlets and the only way to keep things cold would be to sit it on a tray of ice... Anyone have any ideas for a GOOD main dish??? Remember, it can't be kept hot and can only be kept mildly cold. It will be outside in the...