
  1. I

    Dreams about being attacked by possessed people and demons?

    I have these sorts of dreams frequently. In them, a loved one or stranger is possessed and attacks me physically and verbally. They are extremely intense and horrifying and leave me feeling very uneasy even hours after waking. In the most recent, a possessed man grabbed the back of my head and...
  2. P

    Transfer rumours and What's goin on? are we all possessed?

    What do ya think of the latest rumours? With all the riotin is this the work of the Devil lucifer himself me scared they may run out of coffee?
  3. A

    Why does my cat refuse to talk in public? Is it possessed by the devil?

    I have a cat named Cpl. Fluff. I recently learned that it could talk. We began to discuss literature, religion and politics, but when he makes a valid point I call a friend and ask his opinion but Cpl. Fluff just sits there and makes me look like an idiot! Is this the devil trying to make me...
  4. W

    name of movie where the teachers is possessed by creatures that need a lot of water?

    it is about a group of students that notice there teachers are acting weird, and find out they have some sort of parasite in there bodies. I thought it was called faculty lounge, but my searches show up nothing about the movie.
  5. K

    I was possessed by Satan?

    I'll try to keep this short... I had a dream last night that me, my mother, and father were in oklahoma (we live in virginia) and the apocalypse started happening. Everything turned dark and grey. Along with a huge group of people we decided to migrate east and then south. My parents thought we...
  6. M

    Why did reagen become possessed in the first place in the original Exorcist?

    How did finding that statue of that demon in east india or whatever affect a little girl in Georgetown....why her?
  7. D

    Did "Psycho Dog Man" get possessed? lol?

    He said he had never barked before. Hmmm http://www.asylum.com/2010/04/16/psycho-dog-man-ray-graham-spoof-barks-his-way-into-hearts-and-nightmares/
  8. S

    Dreams of being possessed last night?

    This is a crazy dream, but bear with me, I had a dream last night, where I felt processed by a spirit. I meet a bloody ghost who called herself Rhianna, who was was grasping my heart. I woke up from that, and continued the dream after I slept. I then looked myself in the mirror during my dream...
  9. D

    Sometimes I think I'm possessed and feel evil, do you get an evil vibe...

    ...from me? If so, why? http://img41.imageshack.us/img41/6760/photo2304.jpg http://img24.imageshack.us/img24/9572/photo2263.jpg http://img690.imageshack.us/img690/3403/photo2318.jpg
  10. M

    Is my Toyota Camry possessed by the devil and can I get rid of it via Lemon Law?

    Purchased it brand new in 2003........ Few years ago at around 70,000 miles, the Check Engine light started lighting up. Took it to 5 dealers and spent $2000 and ultimately none of them could ever find what was wrong with it. It now has 140,000 miles and the light has continued to be lit...
  11. D

    WHY do Radio & Televangelists rave & rant as if possessed by Biblical demons ?

    WHY do Radio & Televangelists rave & rant as if possessed by Biblical demons ? "Ooh... Do you see how your mouth stains the air ?" ????
  12. D

    Are they ways in which persons can be demon possessed through means on the Internet?

    I have a paper to write on ways in which the internet opens door to spiritual possession. Meaning someone might have took part in events on the internet and became possessed by it. However if you are aware of any case as such please i need your help to do this. Thank you in advance