
  1. A

    Girls Is Terrible, And Such Small Portions: How To Lose Friends And Alienate Everyone

    Last night’s episode of Girls involved a cumshot, a broken q-tip and a possible rape. Which is why I feel okay saying it’s the most uncomfortable episode ever. Like, when I say uncomfortable, I mean I watched the whole thing through my hands like a horror movie. Things were viscerally...
  2. E

    Eat Small Portions

    I prefer eating five times a day it does not mean I eat a lot but I convert my big meals into small meals and it is good for health as well. Many good fitness instructors have suggested that we should take our meals into small meals so it would be easy for our stomach to digest food and improves...
  3. A

    Afternoon Links: Just How Over-The-Top Are Restaurant Portions?

    • No surprise here: restaurant portions are waaaay too big (HuffPost Healthy Living) • Our new hero, Kacie Fischer, is rollerblading 4,000 miles in just 74 days this summer (Fitness) • Are you fooling yourself with these "healthy" habits? (Greatist) • Why one vegetarian embraces soy, despite...
  4. B

    how do I edit out portions of my home movie dvd?

    I transferred my old VHS to DVD and now want to edit some of it out.
  5. B

    how do I edit out portions of my home movie dvd?

    I transferred my old VHS to DVD and now want to edit some of it out.
  6. M

    Tip of the day: Watch portions, lower your BMI

    Tip of the day: Watch portions, lower your BMI We recently asked always-thin people to tell us how they stay that way, and of all the eating behaviors we asked about, carefully controlling portion size at each meal correlated most strongly with having a lower BMI. And the successful...
  7. C

    In California, what portions of car sale fees are subject to sales tax?

    You know when you go to the dealer and they whip out all these fees in excess to the price of the car? On which of those fees does the state impose sales tax, (assuming that the car is paid in cash up front)?
  8. C

    How can i copy portions of internet streaming songs?

    I listen to continuous remixes at ipartyradio.com. Is there any program or anything i can do to copy a portion (i.e one song) of the live streaming and sang it as a song on my computer to be able to play back later? THANK YOU!