
  1. T

    Poorest Miss Out On Benefits, Experience More Material Hardship, Since 1996 Welfare R

    Although the federal government's 1996 reform of welfare brought some improvements for the nation's poor, it also may have made extremely poor Americans worse off, new research shows. The reforms radically changed cash assistance - what most Americans think of as 'welfare' - by imposing...
  2. T

    Concern For The Poorest Americans If States Opt Out Of Medicaid Expansion

    Health coverage for the poorest Americans could be in jeopardy in many states as a result of the U.S. Supreme Court's ruling last month on the Affordable Care Act, according to a new legal analysis. The report examines federal and state Medicaid options following the United States Supreme...
  3. D

    Republicans are the party of the rich! Why are all the POOREST states Republican?

    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_U.S._states_by_income http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lowest-income_counties_in_the_United_States I thought the Republicans were the party that favored rich people? If thats the case, why are all the poorest states and poorest counties always voting Republican...
  4. H

    What is the poorest and richest country of 2010?

    It doesn't say in the world records book but i have to know.
  5. J

    What broadband/dsl provider in the phillippines has the slowest and poorest...

    ...internet connection? what broadband/dsl provider in the philippines has the slowest and poorest connection. I've been using SUN CELLULAR WIRELESS BROADBAND. It was so slow. Has a very poor connection. It took me nearly 10 mins just to be able to post this. It's connection is intermittent...