
  1. S

    e-book Piracy Question?

    Everytime i want to create an ebook, in my mind I was always afraid of work hijacked by others, and hurt sales. what should I do so I can focus on making ebook without fear? Thank you.
  2. G

    Google Kinda Sorta Clarifies Piracy Plan and Says Most Popular Sites Aren't Likely To

    After facing criticism that its new policy of penalizing pirate sites might unfairly favor Google-owned YouTube, Google has come out to say that most popular sites are unlikely to be penalized. It hasn't clarified exactly why or how, though. More »
  3. G

    Miramax CEO: Apple Is a Bigger Threat To The Music Industry Than Piracy [NetFlix]

    The music industry loves to point its finger at piracy and blame this practice for declining sales, unemployment and lost wages. But for Miramax CEO Mike Lang, piracy isn't worrisome; monopolistic companies like Apple are. More »
  4. F

    Could we end the Somalia piracy problems by selling cruise tickets and letting

    Grammy and Granpa shoot them? You could charge more depending on what weapons they get to use. Since one missile would ruin everybody elses fun. What would you pay to get to use a Gatling gun on some real Somalian pirates attacking your ship? You could have theme nights too. Like RPG night. Or...
  5. C

    How do I report DVD - Copyright piracy online please? UK?

    Thanks I know someone selling counterfeit dvd's online - so I want to report them but how?
  6. CrIstI

    Why is downloading torrents considered piracy?

    I meen.. I can't affort buying games with real money,do to the fact that they are expensive,and by the fact that I live in a god forgoten country.So I downloaded RX,civ 5.. and other games,but when I go to their forums and say that I got the game from torrents,they all bann me,saying that this...
  7. P

    How can I burn a DVD or VCD and protect it from piracy? I use Ashampoo 8,

    if not Ashampoo, what software n how? Ho Can Burn a DVD or VCD and protect it from piracy. I do not really like anybody to duplicate my project on any computer or burner, what software should I use?
  8. G

    The Ethics of Pirating Ebooks You Already Own [Piracy]

    Is it ethical to pirate ebooks of texts you already bought in a bookstore? Randy Cohen, the New York Times Magazine ethicist who weekly presides over readers' matters of morality, says yes it is. More »
  9. G

    Pirate Bay Buyer Also Offered Over $27 Million to Mininova [Piracy]

    Global Gaming Factory's purchase of The Pirate Bay was surprising. But even more surprising is that they offered an even bigger sum to Mininova, one of the other huge public BitTorrent trackers. Apparently, GGF and Mininova had a contract good to go, based on Mininova escaping their court case...
  10. D

    What are the cons of internet music piracy?

    It's for debating and we're arguing that we should not legalise it. Help please...
  11. K

    why is music piracy benificial for the individuals that (are pirates)?

    i know that it is convenient and all but i know that there is other reasons that makes it so beneficial that i have overlooked. any good reasons that apply to only the individual and aren't convenience?
  12. S

    What information would be important to include in a term paper about internet piracy?

    I have chosen to write about internet piracy and the ethics behind it. I personally feel, despite being illegal, that sharing music, TV shows, and movies is not a unethical practice. What would be some important information to include within my paper in order to give it a fair representation of...
  13. Y

    In order to help prevent internet piracy does portable flash drives copy files

    and install spyware on your? computer
  14. G

    Remember When The Global Entertainment Industry Was Giving Us BS On... [Piracy]

    The Pirate Bay is carrying this spot-on cartoon on what we already knew about labels and studios: Their "new media—first radio, then TV, then tapes, then video—will kill our industry!" argument is simply stupid FUD. </img> </img> </img> </img>
  15. A

    How does internet piracy affect China?

    I am doing a research paper and it is on internet piracy in China. I need to describe mainly how it affects China, so any websites or answers to the question would be great.
  16. M

    Do you think music and movie piracy played a credible role in the current...

    ...economic crisis? What do you think?
  17. M

    Is this yet another act of Israeli piracy.?

  18. T

    Who should be in control of the internet piracy laws?

    Should it be the companies whose material is being uploaded to the net? Or the ISP or whomever is supplying the internet connection to the web users that download? Should Universities and schools and business owners be controlling what happens on their computers? Or just leave it to the...